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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


♥ 1 Songs Currently Playing ♥


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Saturday, August 29, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Ah Yat Dim Sum
ytd reached hm at 4am after our supper.. n today I woke up at ard 9.30am.. super sleepy.. nvm.. met up wif wy n wei hao first n we were supposed to meet e rest at Ah Yat Seafood Restaurant.. tis time, I admitted tat was my mistake.. bcos blur mi bought them to Shaw House instead of Shaw Tower.. which I tot is e same place! blurr mi!! =x

nvm.. so we cab down.. poor edmund n victor waited for so long.. sorry! wad a a lousy organiser I m.. alright, time to order some dim sum!! =D

Baby, I Love You! <3

victor, edmund, wy n mi

after tat, mi n wy went to Bencoolen for a pedicure while e guys waited for us at Bugis Juction.. n chong came down to join them too..

wy still choosing e colour for her nails

my first time having pedicure n tats my colour!

I felt a bit bad cos I m e one who asked chong to join us when edmund n victor are planning to leave early.. anyway in e end, chong shopped wif us for awhile den he went back hm.. yes, n finally I have bought myself a Fancl makeup remover!

after awhile, james sent us back to wy's hse.. n had dinner at e nearby coffeeshop wif e two of them plus ming n gwen.. went our separate ways as e silly boi brought mi to watch e sunset n he asked," nxt time we get an apartment in the heights so we can watch e sunset everyday, ok?" super sweet of him!~

wanted to catch a movie.. but ended up we sat at e bench n chatted till 11pm.. =D

You're Shopping @

11:54 PM

Friday, August 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Another Two Temps Are Leaving
mi n wendy were helping gen to print n sort out some paper work.. was told tat e deadline is 12pm today.. luckily both of us stayed back ytd for OT.. managed to submit on time.. =)

went to Tiong Bahru Plaza during lunch time wif our group.. having a farewell party for evon n sheng zhen at Sakae Sushi.. of cos we didnt forget tat today is his birthday too!

still deciding on wad to eat

our side dish before having e main

wad is riodi trying to do? lol..

a surprise birthday cake prepared for sheng zhen

group photo first before going back

riodi, wendy, florence, evon n mi

took cab back to office after tat.. had a 2 hour plus lunch break for e first time! n continued taking photos.. anyway jia min n jian rong are having their last day too.. so tat means from e nxt monday onwards, e office is jus left e two wendy onli.. so pathetic.. =(

hope we will still keep in touch!

acc wendy to trim her eyebrows.. like finally! after work, e two of us headed to Plaza Singapura.. n she bought her eyebrow pencil.. den we left at ard 8 plus..

jus finished editing all e photos which were taken today.. there r more than wad I have posted here.. its all in my facebook! as for now, I m still waiting for my silly wei hao to finish his work.. gonna drive to Bukit Timah to have our supper!! by e way, HAPPY 4th MONTH ANNIVERSARY! =D

You're Shopping @

10:44 PM

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Proposal Again
on e monday I went off early to Joo Koon to meet wei hao for dinner at his nearby camp's coffeeshop.. first time seeing tat silly boi wearing his army uniform.. not bad, look smart n I like tat.. =)

as for today, worked n slacked as usual.. last min decision to go to IMM after work wif wei hao.. n had Long John Silver.. while he was buying e food, I saw da jie joshua n luvina! chatted wif both of them for awhile..

took bus back after our dinner.. n we walked over to Westmall to watch The Proposal again.. as e first time I missed out e front.. but still, I dun find tis movie touching especially e last part.. dear sae tat I m not human.. -__-

You're Shopping @

11:31 PM

Saturday, August 22, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

戴爱玲 - 对的人

lyrics :

你问在我心中 是否还苦恼
那次受伤 否决了爱的好
谢谢你的关照 我一切都好
一个人 不算困扰

爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找
宁可空白了手 等候一次
我相信在(这个)世界上 一定会遇到

那次流过的泪 让我学习到
如何祝福 如何转身不要
在眼泪体会到 与自己拥抱
爱不是一种需要 是一种对照

爱虽然很美妙 却不能为了寂寞
爱要耐心等待 仔细寻找
宁可空白了手 等候一次
我相信在(这个)世界上 一定会遇到

放手去爱 海阔天高

You're Shopping @

4:39 PM

Friday, August 21, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Hungry Ghost Festival
woke up late at 10am.. actually wanna work half day, but I dun really have e motivation to do so.. went to grandparents' hse instead.. was told tat there have a Hungry Ghost Festival Ceremony going on..

seventh month offerings

the gate of the underworld will open in tis seventh Lunar month

paper money is burned will be delivered to the dead
each participant will get one of tis

back to grandparents' hse.. watched tv.. den wei hao came over ard 6.30pm.. had dinner together wif them.. after tat, parents n aunt went hm first while e both of us left at 9 plus.. everything was fine at first.. till he sae maybe will be going to Perth for 3 weeks after his ORD..

a big sigh! I really dun dare to imagine wad will happen if he really leave for 3 weeks.. as our relationship isnt tat stable yet.. anyway, was really glad tat he left a gd impression on my grandparents n my parents.. but.. things wun be as we wished it to be.. I m lost n tired.. can someone jus tell mi wad should I do now? =(

You're Shopping @

11:06 PM

Thursday, August 20, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Girls Night!
missing in action for tis few days.. nth much actually.. jus spent it eating, working n slping.. tats all.. anyway today eddie came back after his sch to disturb us again.. well, he loves tis place! =p

after work meeting luo ling wif riodi, wendy n evon at Somerset.. as usual, she is late again.. so while waiting, took some pics first! =D

evon, mi n wendy

headed over to Orchard Central.. my first time being to tat place.. n they have e long escalator too! come to think of it, have been such a long time since I went to town.. I missed my old life which is almost everyday shopping!!

on e long long escalator

dinner at Heaven's Loft

while waiting for e rest of food

they sae I have an emo smile! =(

hope our friendship can last for many yrs!

luo ling went off ard 8 plus.. cos she needed to go back to her hostel.. n e four of us continued eating.. had Ben and Jerry's after our main course.. too full for us to order individuals.. so we shared..

Super Mix n Match

we love ice-cream!

its still early for us to go hm n slp, had a quick shop at Orchard Central.. n I bought a super cute dress at MOSA Collections.. after tat to ION.. nth much cos most of shops r closing.. den hm sweet hm.. by e way, so happy wif u gals! waiting to have more gals night, alright?! =D

You're Shopping @

11:46 PM

Monday, August 17, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy 21st Birthday!
have been delaying tis post.. for more than 2 weeks already? bcos I was waiting for my photos!! btw thanks dear for e photos.. alright, finally I m 21 yrs old! =D

6 August 2009:

my 3rd birthday celebration for this year.. only today is the actual day.. woke up at 7 plus.. still thinking whether I should go to work anot.. but was really tired.. so went back to slp till 11 plus! wei hao waited for mi at my blk.. n e first thing I received from him was flowers! den we went to Vivo City.. shopped ard n had Ben & Jerry's.. =)

e flower n my fav ice-cream!

at Pet Safari.. e puppy is super cute!!

left e place ard 5 plus n we walked to Henderson Wave.. I think we caught e sunset.. slacked over there till e sky is totally dark.. I love e night scenery! so pretty!! =D

taken at Henderson Wave.. love tis pic!!

mi n my silly dear

suddenly, e silly boi sae we had to reach Westmall at 8pm n insisted not to tell mi wad was goin on.. at tat moment, I tot he had bought movie tickets or wad.. nvm.. cabbed down to Westmall.. SURPRISE! he brought mi to collect tis custom made cake.. after tat headed back to my hse.. cos tis silly boi wanted mi to celebrate my big day wif my family too.. yup.. n tat will be his first time meeting my parents..

I rmb I was joking wif him last time.. I told him I wanted a pink hello kitty chocolate cake.. n he did it! so sweet of him.. <3

my hello kitty birthday cake


wif my family

gonna cut tis cute cake

left my hse ard 10 plus.. acc him to eat supper n heart to heart tok again till 1 plus before he sent mi hm.. seriously, thanks dear for putting in effort to plan my 21st birthday celebration for mi.. really appreciate it.. I LOVE YOU, SILLY! =p

n thanks to my frenz who still rmb it n send mi birthday wishes!! so happy!! =)

You're Shopping @

7:31 AM

Sunday, August 16, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Long & Tirring Sunday
worked wif fangyi again today at International Plaza! was supposed to help him buy mac breakfast, might as well buy for myself too.. but I overslept.. so ended up couldnt buy n both of us had to starve till 1pm..

wei hao came over to my workplace n waited for mi.. wanted to eat e yu pian fan.. den realised tat it was closed on Sunday!! so sad.. nvm.. I asked e silly boi to rmb e stall n buy for mi nxt time.. =p

went to Bugis n had our lunch at Qi Ji.. after tat walked over to Lasalle.. missed e place.. he encouraged mi to go back there n study again.. which I think is impossible unless he sign up wif mi.. anyway had a random shop at Sim Lim Square.. was looking out for a GPS for mi..

left e place at 4 plus n took a bus to my hse.. brought my two babies to his frenz's shop for nail cutting as last week we didnt go.. finally their nails could be cut! by e way, her shop is at Woodlands.. interested can contact mi!

lastly, hm sweet hm!! didnt join his frenz for dinner cos I was really super tired.. need a gd rest tonight.. hopefully tml I can get up n work on time.. =D

You're Shopping @

10:54 PM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Everlasting Nine Clover
working at counter again tis weekend.. tis time, I have went to e right place which is at International Plaza! everything was still not bad except for some difficult customers.. anyway, met up wif wei hao after work.. n went to City Hall.. den we had Pastamania for lunch at Funan IT Mall first.. e silly bf of mine keep saying tat I m destroying e taste of Carbonara with lots of tabasco sauce.. dun care.. I jus like e taste! =p

shopped for his cousin's present n had his photos' development done, we headed down to Pasir Ris to attend his cousin's 17th birthday party.. first time meeting his parents n relatives.. although a bit nervous.. but after chatting wif them, it makes mi realise tat they r actually quite fun n sporting peoples.. by e way, guess who did I saw at e chalet? they r melvin (e birthday's boi's cousin) n roland (e birthday's boi's pri or sec classmate)!!! such a small world.. =D

went off at ard 10.30pm.. after tat we had supper at Kopitiam before he acc mi back.. reached hm n saw something at my computer desk from my sweet mum.. <3

e packaging

Everlasting Nine Clover

its called e Everlasting Nine Clover - A symbol of change for betterment. In many cultures, number nine is a most remarkable number, held in great reverence and is auspicious. Together with a clover, it amplifies Vision, Creativity, Compassion, Sharing and Caring, Love, Nobility and Power.

she sae she hopes tat mi n my silly boi will have an everlasting love.. thanks mum! =D

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Suddenly I Miss Them!
e office is getting more quiet ever since they left.. anyway, finally we had cleared all e evalution forms.. n was told to continue packing.. so when I opened e door, I saw all e unfamiliar faces.. suddenly I miss them so much.. all e memories n our crazy moments.. =(

wendy n mi

after work, met up wif wei hao at Redhill station.. n went down to Pasir Ris to buy his things.. had our dinner before we headed to White Sands for awhile.. den lastly, back hm! =D

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Sunday, August 9, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Family Picnic At East Coast Park
today is national day.. HAPPY 44TH BIRTHDAY! anyway met up wif wei hao at 10am.. but we were late.. so my silly bf came up to my place first.. waited for mi to put on my eyeliner.. den headed to East Coast Park for family picnic! =)

wads my bro doing?

ming n wy

wif my silly dear!

gwen n mi

went to Parkway.. nth much to shop also.. except tat dear bought his photography magazine at Border.. almost was killed by e weather when walking back to East Coast Park! e picnic ended at 7 plus.. e rest went hm while both of us had our dinner at Westmall's KouFu.. =D

You're Shopping @

11:57 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

No More Tiffs Alright!
was back to customer service.. anyway tis is e first time sitting at E2I's counter serving e customer.. made a big mistake early in e morning.. cos was asked to report to International Plaza, but I went to E2I.. luckily nv get scolded.. btw partner wif fangyi today.. realised tat I have forgotten lots of thing n need to learn everything from e start.. stressed!

after work, supposed to bring my two babies to wei hao's frenz's shop for nail cutting wif him.. cos he booked appointment already.. but stupid mi ruined e whole plan! I dunno wad e freaking hell m I thinking abt.. he is trying to be nice n bring mi to Mac for lunch as I didnt eat anything for e whole morning till afternoon.. I really hate myself for losing my temper whenever I m tired..

I cried in front of him for e first time.. when we nearly lost each other.. he forced mi to sae all my feelings out.. which makes mi realised tat I still love my silly boi alot.. after so many weeks, glad tat finally I have made e choice.. dear, promise mi no more tiffs alright! hope tat our relationship will grow stronger than before! =)

You're Shopping @

11:37 PM

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My Birthday Family Dinner
rushed back hm after work..

my dinner treat for my 21st birthday..

felt so blissful wif all my cousins, close relatives, grandparents n family ard mi!

woohoo!~ lets start eating!!

some random dishes

fishy.. fish!!

hope they enjoying tonight's dinner!

received presents from aunt, wy n ming.. red packets from grandparents, dad, mum n aunts.. luv it!! thanks alot!! =D

thanks to my aunt mel!

a necklace from couple lab

thanks to ming n wy for tis classy hello kitty bottle

few more mins to my birthday!! time passes real fast.. I dun wan to grow up!! being a grown-up is super vexing! how I wish I can stay at e age of 18 forever!! =/

You're Shopping @

11:54 PM

Monday, August 3, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I Need Another 24 Hours!!
took leave n had a gd rest today..

slpt more than 10 hours?

realised tat 24 hours a day is not enough for mi..

cos I still gt alot of stuff not done!! =(

You're Shopping @

10:38 PM

Sunday, August 2, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Early Birthday Celebration At Johor Bahru
was planning for our Johor Bahru trip wif rino n eddie at midnight, den suddenly I received a call from wei hao.. he said he had something to give mi.. so asked mi to come down to e void deck for awhile.. n he took out a bottle of chinese herbal tea as I was having flu for these few days n a box of sweet in case e tea was bitter.. seriously I was totally touched by tat moment.. thanks boi!! u r e first guy who did these for mi!! luv my silly boi!! =p

anyway we were supposed to meet 9am at Kranji station.. but as usual some of us will be late.. n after everyone had reached, finally our journey to Johor Bahru has started at 9.30am!! so excited!! =D

on e bus to e custom.. tired rino n eddie..

e A & W which they r craving for

after tat started to shop!! bought a bag n black sandals from Summit.. had a long time choosing e colour of bag (wads new?).. rino n eddie waited till fall aslp outside e bench.. total is RM 139.80.. still wanted to continue to other shops.. but they stopped mi!! =/

its a bit of greyish colour

love tis sandals at e very first sight

I m not e onli one who enjoyed buying things for myself.. of cos riodi, evon, hong rui, eddie bought something for themselves too.. =D

tats riodi, evon, mi n luo ling!!

surprise.. surprise!! I was wondering y we were stuck in Action City for quite a long time.. n when I wanted to go out of e shop, luo ling n evon kept stopping mi.. den realised tat eddie, rino n hong rui were missing.. half an hour, they appeared, holding a box of birthday cake!!

e lovely birthday cake

was playing e candles?

I am gonna be 21 yrs old soon!!

cream on my nose by e naughty rino! =p

e one n onli group photo of e day

took cab again.. to The Zon.. n saw something which is quite funny.. while we were walking halfway, rino pointed to tis n asked, " if u wanna regrow ur hair, will u wan to grow grey hair?"

we were laughing abt tis!

its 6pm.. having seafood for our dinner!! e menu is written in malay.. luckily rino can translate for us.. by e way most of e food r spicy, like tom-yum soup, chilli crab, sambal sotong, sambal kang kong n etc..

e place of seafood!

those r my fav food!!

e chilli crabs

were very bz eating!! pls do not disturb!!

lastly, cab back to City Square again.. as e time was still early, we decided to catch a movie before we go back.. watched The Proposal..

When high-powered book editor Margaret (SANDRA BULLOCK) faces deportation to her native Canada, the quick-thinking exec declares that shes actually engaged to her unsuspecting put-upon assistant Andrew (RYAN REYNOLDS), who shes tormented for years. He agrees to participate in the charade, but with a few conditions of his own. The unlikely couple heads to Alaska to meet his quirky family (MARY STEENBURGEN, CRAIG T. NELSON, BETTY WHITE) and the always-in-control city girl finds herself in one comedic fish-out-of-water situation after another. With an impromptu wedding in the works and an immigration official on their tails, Margaret and Andrew reluctantly vow to stick to the plan despite the precarious consequences.

e show finished at 10 plus.. n we took e bus back to Singapore! here, I want to thank my lovely peepz for e early celebration of my 21st Birthday wif mi!! especially e surprise wif e birthday cake!! although is a bit tiring but I am happy!! hope u guys enjoyed urself too!! =D

You're Shopping @

11:45 PM

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