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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Friday, July 31, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Hangover
a big farewell to luo ling, hong rui, eddie n jing bao.. will be their last day of work.. didnt really work today.. as we spent most of e time taking photos.. n had lunch in!! =D

the one and only group photo

so after work, we headed to Somerset.. evon left after e group photos.. eddie n rino bought their stuff while hong rui, ruo ling n I went Cineleisure to check e timeslot for e movie first..

rino, eddie and mi

n e time was rather late, so decided to watch e show at Plaza Singapura.. bought e tickets for The Hangover n had dinner at Carl's Junior..

Two days before his wedding, Doug and his three friends drive to Las Vegas for a blow-out bachelor party they'll never forget. But, in fact, when the three groomsmen wake up the next morning, they cant remember a thing. For some reason, they find a tiger in the bathroom and a six-month-old baby in the closet of their suite at Caesars Palace. The one thing they cant find is Doug. With no clue as to what transpired and little time to spare, the trio must retrace their hazy steps and all their bad decisions in order to figure out where things went wrong and hopefully get Doug back to L.A. in time to walk down the aisle.

after tat, wei hao fetched mi back.. n I kept venting my anger on him.. sick isnt e excuse.. but.. I dunno wads going on wif mi.. I m sorry.. =(

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, July 30, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Bugis Street With The Girls
went to Bugis wif evon n luo ling after work..

had dinner at e nearby coffeeshop n MOF ice cream..

den started shopping at Bugis Street..

each of us had bought at least one top n one dress..

so much fun wif my gals especially when trying e wigs!

overall, I jus cant stop laughing wif my darlings!! =D

You're Shopping @

11:30 PM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I Don't Deserve It
jus back from Orchard.. went to ION wif eddie n rino.. acc e both of them for shopping.. n we had our dinner at Lucky Plaza's Pizza Hut.. suddenly I jus went quiet.. mood swing, I guess.. den both of them started to worry abt mi.. which made mi feel so bad..

it really has been a complicated stage tis whole month.. I admit tat I have a crush on someone else.. yes, being loved is always blissful den when u love somebody.. but I can onli choose one..

in e end, there is always someone who will get hurt.. which mostly will be mi.. so I have been thinking of giving both of them up.. as its really tough for mi to do tat.. although my heart gets heavier n heavier, I still feel blessed bcos I can sense tat wei hao has changed a lot.. n realise tat his love for mi is getting stronger..

I noe I cant be selfish too.. leaving him to wait for mi.. so I will be making e decision by tis sunday.. if by e time I still cant find any ans, I will remain as single n not make any decisions anymore.. bcos I dun deserve any happiness..

You're Shopping @

9:53 AM

Sunday, July 26, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

East Coast Park
woke up at abt 7am.. was meeting eddie n rino at Bukit Batok station.. cos they were helping mi to carry pinky! had our Mac Breakfast first n den cab down to East Coast Park to meet e rest.. jia cheng, riodo, rino, jasmine, eddie n I went cycling.. while evon n luo ling went to roller blade..

cycled for 4 hours.. of cos we had a lunch break in between.. after tat, eddie, evon n rino went off first.. n e rest of us headed to New Zealand Natural for our ice cream!!

I wondering wad is luo ling doing.. LOL

was having our ice cream!! =)

thanks riodi for e treat!

e incomplete group photo

had 2 hours of heart to heart talk wif luo ling at e beach after e rest had went back.. luckily my big aunt is fetching us back to Bukit Batok.. acc her to e Korean Shop at Westmall as she wanted to buy some tibits.. den at last, back hm! =D

You're Shopping @

11:43 PM

Saturday, July 25, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Went Photoshoot With Wei Hao
forced myself up at 5.30am! got myself prepared n met wei hao at Bukit Batok station.. needed to reach City Hall at 8am.. waited for his frenz to arrive.. den met e makeup artist.. n she was a graduate from Cosmoprof too!!

e professional makeup set

e model posing

today e main reason y wei hao brought mi to tis studio shoot is bcos first, he wanted mi to observe how tough n tiring being a make up artist was.. second, he wanted mi to think carefully before signing up for e make-up course.. but I wun give up cos i knw it will be so fun!! =D

we stayed for two shoots onli.. e first one was inside e studio n e second one is at outdoors.. had our lunch at Mac wif all of them after e second shoot.. anyway in some ways, we r not happy wif each other.. guess I was too tired.. but everything is back to normal again after having a nap on e bus..

caught e beautiful sunset at West Coast Park.. n had a great heart to heart talk till 10 plus.. =D

You're Shopping @

11:55 PM

Thursday, July 23, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Small Gift From Jia Cheng
took tis ytd.. which was his last day of work!

take care, jia cheng! cya tis sunday! =D

tats jia cheng, evon, luo ling n mi! =D

tis morning when we reached the office, we saw something on our desk.. jia cheng prepared a farewell gift for each of us before he went off.. n on each gift, there was a note.. so sweet!~ no wonder ytd he insisted to leave first..

when they saw tat, thay sae," tis is so wendy!!"

e note from jia cheng (together wif these bloody rabbit):

Before u choose to kill mi (again), let me say that its been great to have u as a fellow colleague for the past few months. Though u do have some unnatural behaviour (floating ard instead of walking counts!) its been great to have known u better. Not that I wan to nag at u again, but whatever u choose to do in the future, u must have some sustained interest before u choose to pursue that path. Almost fully an adult, so must really start thinking about the choices u have in front of u and choosing the one that is best for yourself. Dun let your frenz influence decisions like these! Haha. If u do that, I 'll forgive u for having secret fantasies of having me as the main courses for a BBQ. Yup. Take care! Bye!

You're Shopping @

10:12 PM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

wanted to go hm after work.. cos super tired n sleepy.. but still met up wif wei hao for awhile.. acc him for dinner at West Mall.. den when we were on our way back, he pulled out something from his bag..


so cute n sweet right? =D

anyway, we sat at a bench n had a gd heart to heart talk as e night was still young.. after e 2 hours chat, I realised one thing which made mi feel like a loser! so many yrs, after going thru so much in e relationship, I realised tat I do not even noe wad is e meaning of love, dun understand wads e purpose of a couple being together too..

I have nth in my mind now.. everything is so empty.. jus like a dead corpse..

You're Shopping @

10:42 PM

Monday, July 20, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Dinner At Ishi Mura
was super hungry!! after work, dinner wif eddie, luo ling n evon.. craving for jap food.. so went to Ishi Mura, e japanese food court to satisfy our cravings..

our yummy food!!

after dinner, we walked to Plaza Singapura for our ice cream!! n poor eddie had to acc us for shopping.. finally, last stop at Spotlight.. den went back hm after evon bought her stuffs.. =D

You're Shopping @

11:43 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Another Year of Celebrating Dad's Birthday!
went in to Johor Bahru again.. everyone was here except ming.. cos his passport was expired n he was so lazy to renew!! =D

had some shopping.. den car wash.. after tat, finally dinner time!! super hungry!! =/

delicious duck!

my favourite!!

food! food! FOOD!!

anyway today was supposed to celebrate dad's birthday..

so fast, it had been another yr already.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DADDY! =D

You're Shopping @

10:59 PM

Saturday, July 18, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

went out wif wei hao.. n we did spend our whole day together well.. meet up at 3 plus n headed to Bugis.. was finding his stuff.. den went Iluma for shopping.. saw riodi n her sis.. after tat acc him to eat..

n for e whole afternoon, he was quite secretive.. he kept ignoring my question when I asked him where he wanna bring mi to.. he keep saeing must reach e place at 6pm.. now I noe y.. bcos he wanted to bring mi to enjoy tis nice scenery of e beautiful sunset..

taken by wei hao! nice right?

btw, thanks wei hao for these photos! =)

looks so emo, but I like it!! =D

left e place at ard 8 plus.. n back to Iluma again.. after walking so many rounds, decided to eat at e Thai Express for our dinner.. wanted to have ice cream too.. but there was such a long queue!

looked so fierce while waiting for food

as usual, had my seafood laska

actually he suggested watching a movie at Westmall.. but I was tired already.. so we took bus n headed hm after tat.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:20 PM

Friday, July 17, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Jing Bao!
its friday again.. in the weekend mood now! didnt do much work in e office.. except for fooling ard.. here is some of e photos of wad we had been doing for most of e times.. =p

ring.. ring.. so many rings!!

a candid shot.. but a cute one.. =)

mi n evon inside e toilet..

had a last min briefing wif all e perm staff.. was quite pissed off.. as they should noe tat lots of temps will be leaving nxt tuesday.. n still requested for a 100% check.. now, bcos of one piece of cover checklist, we have to do everything over again!!

jus after e briefing, immediately I thought of changing department to go back to e customer service.. but leaving riodi n evon there, I dun feel gd too.. sigh!

anyway, today we were supposed to celebrate jing bao's birthday.. so lets drop those irritating topics first.. after work, we went to Settler's Cafe at SMU for dinner.. had some games while waitin for e foods n drinks..

monopoly menu

I think tis game is called Topper

waited for abt 1 hour (or maybe longer than tat), some colleagues asked e manager wad exactly happened to our food.. surprisingly, he gave them a very bad attitude which totally pissed them off.. but, tats not e end of e party yet.. went to Ishi Mura, a japanese food court to cut his brithday cake..

Happy Birthday, Jing Bao!!

at last, our group photos of e day!

after tat, some went hm, some went to Dragonfly.. left mi, evon, jing bao n eddie.. went to Hong Kong cafe for drinks n acc eddie for his dinner..

took train wif jing bao.. I guess everything is back to normal now!! =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, July 16, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Hong Kong Kim Gary
meet up wif wei hao after my work at Redhill station.. n went to Vivo City.. had our dinner at Hong Kong Kim Gary for abt 1 hours plus?..

had a great dinner n great chat for tis 1 hr plus..

mi n my beef cheese baked rice

his honey lemon n my "ying yong"


after tat slacked awhile at e rooftop.. had a random shopping before we went off..

took bus back.. n surprisingly he didnt slp at all when during our way back hm.. =D

You're Shopping @

10:38 PM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Haunting in Connecticut
took some pics while waiting for e rest of colleagues..

tats evon, luo ling, mi, hong rui n jia cheng!~

after work, outside E2I

a close up

wad is jia cheng doing??

watched The Haunting in Connecticut wif eddie n luo ling at Tiong Bahru.. after tat, we had Long John Silver for our dinner before headed back hm.. =)

Based on a chilling true story, real-life encounter with the dark forces of the supernatural. When the Campbell family moves to upstate Connecticut, they soon learn that their charming Victorian home has a disturbing history: not only was the house a transformed funeral parlor where inconceivable acts occurred, but the owner's clairvoyant son Jonah served as a demonic messenger, providing a gateway for spiritual entities to crossover. Now unspeakable terror awaits, when Jonah, the boy who communicated with the powerful dark forces of the supernatural, returns to unleash a new kind of horror on the innocent and unsuspecting family.

You're Shopping @

11:57 PM

Monday, July 13, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Let Nature Take Its Course
I dunno wads e problem wif mi!! feel so awkward when I saw jing bao.. causing mi to have no mood to tok for e whole day.. but thanks to my colleague's concern n cheering mi up, i feel better now.. =D

after work, went to Lot 1.. had Pastamania for dinner wif hong rui n luo ling.. den dessert at MOF Japanese Cafe to have our ice cream!!

I love ice cream!!

tats luo ling ~

n hong rui eating cherry.. lols.

both of them r cheering mi up as well.. guess I better stop thinking too much abt how m I going to face jing bao tml.. cos I gonna throw everything aside to god n let him decide for mi.. gd night everyone! =)

You're Shopping @

10:53 PM

Thursday, July 9, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

recently we have a new entertainment - POST IT! so whenever hong rui or jia cheng walk pass us, must be careful n rmb to check if there is anything stick at our back.. =p

tats mi, one of e victim!

another victim.. guess who is tat??

n we loves to draw alot too.. especially on jia cheng's arm!! poor him.. everyday have to wash before he went hm.. =D

I onli draw e five stars!! =p

tats our crazy moments in e office.. almost everyday!! but everyone is leaving soon for study.. except mi.. so as for now, I better start planning my future!! =)

You're Shopping @

8:20 PM

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