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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
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Number 8
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Taiwan, Korea
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Marcomedia Fireworks

Sunday, June 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Dylan Jacob Ho Ren Jie
was invited to joan's pre - baby shower.. travelled all e way to Seng Kang.. waited for roland n chu meng to reach first, den we went to Kiddy Palace n bought 2 rompers for her son.. so ended up we reached her hse at 5 plus.. had fun chatting or maybe gossiping as well as taking photos wif her cute little prince.. ;D

tats her prince, Dylan Jacob Ho Ren Jie

we left ard 7 plus.. took cab down to Bugis Juction to meet melvin n his frenz.. crapped wif them for awhile.. after tat went hm.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:11 PM

Friday, June 26, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Farewell Lunch For Jasmine And K Box At Night!
didnt have e time or energy to blog for e past few days.. e whole week we have been busy packing e store as e deadline is today! luckily ytd we did OT till 10pm so we managed to finish everything in time.. =)

yup.. proud to sae tat tis morning I reached office at 8.35am (cos usually I will reach at abt 9 or 9 plus)!! while working, we started to fool ard.. taking turns to take pics wif hong rui's spectacle..

lol.. so cute.. =x

n finally its our lunch time!! had prepared a farewell lunch for jasmine as today is her last day of work.. thanks to our boss, evelyn for e treat! =D

by jia cheng n cindy? r u sure?? lol..

prepared by e guys.. I think so..

delicious chicken drumlets

played zhong ji mi ma after tat.. a hash brown was thrown inside e pespi wif an addition of cheese n some chilli which is damn gross.. n.. hong rui kanna e forfeit!!

e video clip of e forfeit:

poor hong rui =x

n tats e "thing" I mention jus now

after our lunch, jasmine requested to have a group photo.. anyway, we took more den 100 photos today.. lots of funny poses too.. of cos I will not be posting all of e them out, too much already.. =p

wif all e SSL temps n one perm staff!

jasmine n mi

working wif them is so much fun!!

my part was done.. so slacked for awhile.. was clearing my inbox jus now.. saw lots of his sweet msgs which he used to text to mi almost everyday in e past.. but everything stopped now.. sometimes he wun even bother to send mi a single msg for e whole day.. which is quite sad..

wait.. STOP!! cut tat out!! I dun wan tat to spoil my beautiful day!! =)

tats wad we have been doing for e past few days

finished everything at 7 plus.. den e five of us (jia cheng, riodi, evon, luo ling n mi) rushed down to Chinatown.. cos we booked e K Box room at 8 pm.. took tis K Golden package which is $30 plus per person..

enjoying themselves after a whole day of work

we left at 11 plus as everyone started to feel slpy.. shared cab wif riodi.. onli 20 mins ride.. n at last, hm sweet hm!! greats! tonight can have a gd slp.. nightx everyone!! =D

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
suppose to watch Ghosts of Girlfriends Past at VivoCity wif wei hao after my work.. but e timing for tat show is quite late.. so ended up we watched at Westmall.. while waiting for him to reach, bumped into qiqi at outside Bukit Batok station n we had a little chat.. =)

Celebrity photographer Connor Mead loves freedom, fun and women...in that order. A committed bachelor who thinks nothing of breaking up with multiple women on a conference call, Connors mockery of romance proves a real buzz-kill for his kid brother, Paul, and a houseful of well wishers on the eve of Paul's wedding. Just when it looks like Connor may single-handedly ruin the wedding, he gets a wake-up call from the ghost of his late Uncle Wayne, which he delivers through the ghosts of Connors jilted girlfriends-past, present and future taking Connor on a revealing and hilarious odyssey through a lifetime of failed relationships. Together they attempt to find out what turned Connor into such an insensitive jerk and whether there is still hope for him to find true love...or if he really is the lost cause everyone thinks he is.

You're Shopping @

11:47 PM

Friday, June 19, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My First Lunch With SSL Temp
all of us have been told to help out for file packing n arranging..

not only for today.. but also for nxt week..

so messy..

alots right?

random shot by evon

so while jia chen was explaining wad we r going to do lata on, jasmine n eddie was doing something to his water bottle.. lets see wad they have done to it!~

e "time bomb"

n here comes our bomb-technician

finally, its 12pm!! after 15 mins of discussion, all of us decided to go to Tiong Bahru n eat.. lunch at Subway!! trained there n cabbed back.. now den I realise tat today is my first time eating wif them.. =x

while waiting for e guys to buy their food

lets take pics first!! =D

e five guys..

n e five gals

after work, suppose to attend shermain's bday party at Plaza Singapura.. but I didnt go.. headed hm straight away.. anway tml is her actual bday.. so gal HAPPY BIRTHDAY n sry tat I could not make it to ur party.. enjoy!~ =)

You're Shopping @

11:20 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Aston Dinner With Agnes & Chong
it has been almost 3 weeks working at e Soft Skill Department.. of cos I would know lots of new frenz/colleague..

its 5 plus.. well since we r abt to knock off, so its time for us to slack! photos time!~ =D

tats evon n luo ling

together wif riodi

n hong rui is making face.. haha..

who is missing??

anyway, met up wif agnes n chong after work at Dhoby Ghaut.. n they decided to have dinner at Aston Specialities.. den we realised tat it was such a long queue.. but while waiting, we saw agnes' frenz.. so we gave up q-ing n joined table wif them since it was almost their turn..

after finishing up e food, her frenz left first while e three of us continued to gossip.. till e shop was abt to close.. didnt take pics wif them cos everyone looks so tired n shacked.. nvm.. promised we will take nxt time! =p

You're Shopping @

11:31 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Take Care, My Love.
ytd night when u sent mi tis msg, "maybe we dun suit each other", my heart hurt.. I m scared.. scared tat everything has come to e end.. since den I have not been smiling till tis afternoon when we were msn-ing, sorting out e problem.. n after we had some solutions, u told mi tat everything is fine now.. n I smiled..

at night, after my work, we met up at Jurong Point for dinner.. I was really happy when I saw u.. But suddenly I felt heaviness in my heart, like there was something that was missing in this relationship, like a piece of an abstract puzzle that cannot be easily found in e heart..

I cant satisfy u.. I cant give u wad u wan.. everytime when I see ur disappointed face, I feel so useless.. its all my fault tat we have to end tis relationship.. u gave in to me lots of times but I took it for granted.. I always promised u tat I will change n I even noe wad is e mistake n wad u r angry abt, still I did it again.. until today.. finally u have sae tis, "maybe feel more like a fren den couple"..

take care, my love.

thinking back how we met each other.. at wy's bbq bday party which is ard 4 yrs back.. n how we started.. but no matter how hard it is, I will still try to continue to identify e core of e problem.. n we will give each other more time.. hope it wun be too late.. take gd care of urself, boi.. enjoy ur trip..

You're Shopping @

11:08 PM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Blood: The Last Vampire
after work, meet up wif ben for movie at Cineleisure.. watched Blood: The Last Vampire..

On the surface, Saya is a stunning 16-year old girl, but that youthful exterior hides the tormented soul of a 400 year-old halfling.

Born to a human father and a vampire mother, she has for centuries been a loner, obsessed with using her samurai skills to rid the world of vampires, all the while knowing that she herself can survive only on blood like those she hunts. When she is sent onto an American military base in Tokyo by the clandestine organization she works for, Saya immediately senses that this may be her opportunity to finally destroy Onigen, the evil patriarch of all vampires. Using her superhuman strength and her sword, she begins to rid the base of its evil infestation in a series of spectacular and elaborate showdowns. However, it is not until she forms her first human friendship in centuries with the young daughter of the bases general that Saya learns her greatest power over Onigen may well be her ability for human connection.

You're Shopping @

11:04 PM

Monday, June 15, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Whats Going On?
actually meet up wif wei hao after work.. but mum last min called n asked mi to fetch may (doggy).. so have to cancel our Tampines trip..

went to Mount Pleasant Animal Medical Centre instead.. finally e poor doggy can go hm after hospitalized for 3 days.

I m glad tat he make his way down n meet mi for dinner.. but wad exactly happened? why is tis happening again? I dunno.. I dun understand wads going on.. I can sense tat he wasnt happy.. maybe I need to do some soul searching too.. but e cold feeling he gave jus now really hurts mi.. simply hate e pain! =(

You're Shopping @

11:31 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Drag Me to Hell
didnt go to work today.. I slpt till 12 plus? feeling much better now.. today's plan is to go IT fair!! so waited for my wei hao at Joo Koon first.. n e IT fair is so expectedly crowded..

had a small tiff when deciding on where to eat for dinner.. gave my poor boi a very bad attitude when he suggested going to e Food Court which I seriously hate.. dear, really sry for jus now.. but thanks for enduring my stupid temper.. everything is alright now as each time time he is e one who always give in n sae sry even when I m e one at fault.. <3

took bus back.. den dear bought e tickets for Drag Me to Hell..

Christine Brown (Alison Lohman) is an ambitious L.A. loan officer with a charming boyfriend, professor Clay Dalton (Justin Long). Life is good until the mysterious Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver) arrives at the bank to beg for an extension on her home loan. Should Christine follow her instincts and give the old woman a break? Or should she deny the extension to impress her boss, Mr. Jacks (David Paymer), and get a leg-up on a promotion? Christine fatefully chooses the latter, shaming Mrs. Ganush and dispossessing her of her home.

In retaliation, the old woman places the powerful curse of the Lamia on Christine, transforming her life into a living hell. Haunted by an evil spirit and misunderstood by a skeptical boyfriend, she seeks the aid of seer Rham Jas (Dileep Rao) to save her soul from eternal damnation. To help the shattered Christine return her life to normal, the psychic sets her on a frantic course to reverse the spell. As evil forces close in, Christine must face the unthinkable: how far will she go to break free of the curse?

a great n scary movie but somehow there is also a touch of humor.. tis show makes u laugh n scream at e same time.. after e show, dear walked back hm wif mi.. =D

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Thanks For Being So Sweet
I rmb tat I have complained in my blog before abt how my bf has always no time for mi.. but now things have changed for the better compared to last month.. seriously I noe I m e worst gf wif a stupid attitude problem, stubbornness, unreasonable, but he nv gave up on mi.. n of cos he nv fails to put a smile on my face.. how I wish e feeling will remain like tis forever..


after so many things he had said jus now which I find is quite true, I promise tat I will stop living in e past.. its jus tat I still need more time.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:15 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

met up wif wei hao at Redhill after my work.. n headed to City Hall.. after thinking for a few days abt e Carlo Rino bag, I decided ask dear for his comments.. n he sae white wif gold is nicer.. e salesgal did mention before tat tis is e repeated batch.. before tis, e strap for tis design is slightly shorter.. ended up I didnt buy cos didnt like the extra length of it.. nvm.. I think I will look for another bag instead..

went to Esplanade rooftop first before we took bus back.. today my dear is such a gd boi.. bcos he kept trying to keep himself awake n entertain mi throughout e whole journey till we reached Bukit Batok! =)

ate roti prata n had my fav bandung drink for supper instead of fried oyster as e shop has closed when we reached there.. my very sweet dear helped to cut e prata into smaller pieces n he fed mi for e first time! thanks boi for cheering mi up, my sweetest bf .. =D

You're Shopping @

12:02 AM

Sunday, June 7, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Family Day's At Suntec City
big aunt came over to our hse.. den fetched granny when on our way to Suntec City wif parents..

had dinner at Astons Specialties.. n tis time I tried e teriyaki chicken wif e side dish of mashed potato n french fries.. =)

after dinner, acc them to Carrefour..

next, I saw tis bag at Carlo Rino but still haven decide on e colour.. should I take e black wif grey or white wif gold?

nvm.. if I really likes tat bag, I will definitely buy it! =)

You're Shopping @

10:23 PM

Saturday, June 6, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Jac!
actually gt to meet e gals to buy jac's present.. but last min, I was being told tat my grandparent's doggy was sick.. so drove to fetch them first den to e vet clinic..

e vet clinic

plaster after e blood test

blood coming out

they did a blood test for her.. really very sad to hear tat dunno which part of her body r having some infection.. poor doggy.. anyway left e place ard 5pm.. drove them n my parents back.. after tat headed to Kovan n meet up wif shu min n her gf.. as I dunno e way to jac's party.. =/

by e way, thanks wei xiang n hong meng for e photos! =D

People Like Us Cafe

I love my pretty gals

min's gf, min, qiqi n mi!

n tis is wei xiang

e bday gal wanted to cut e cake at 8pm.. had some food n took some photos while waiting.. den my dear boi called to chat.. after we hang up e phone, he sent a reminder msg to remind mi again not to touch any of e alcohol drinks.. <3

yuan ling was e last one to arrive! at last, time to sing birthday song!!

her Tinkerbell's cake

Gal, Happy 21st Birthday!

she is so happy wif her balloons

e same old peepz =p

went off ard 9 plus.. cos amy meeting her frens at e nearby Mac.. before tat, was planned to watch movie.. ended up, e four of us (qiqi, jessica, del n mi) joined in for e chatting, slacking n smoking session till 11pm! =)

You're Shopping @

11:58 PM

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Dinner At Chinatown Complex
after work, waited for my wei hao at Redhill station.. den headed down to Chinatown.. n he knew tat I wanted to eat porridge for dinner.. but ended up we had fried prawn noodle at e Chinatown Complex.. n he bought another plate of duck rice for himself while waiting for mi to finish up my food!! dear, its time for u to start exercise ok? =)

oops.. hope dear wun kill mi when he saw tis pic! =x

next, we went to The Central for a quick shop.. n.. walked to bus stop opposite Funan's.. keep disturbed him on e bus, cos I dun wan him to slp! =D

dear noe tat I didnt wan to go back hm tat early so he brought mi to his hse nearby park.. chatting / crapping for half an hour? lastly, I reached hm at abt 11 plus.. <3

You're Shopping @

11:46 PM

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