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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


♥ 1 Songs Currently Playing ♥


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Marcomedia Fireworks

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Officially Together
after so many days of heart-to-heart chat on sms, 我的心终于被他打动了。he also promised mi tat he wun disappear again.. as for now, was officially together wif my lazy pig, MR LEE WEI HAO!! really hope tat we can last long.. =)

finished work n went hm for my dinner first.. den meet up at Westmall.. actually wanted to acc him to return his book.. but ended up I spent most of e time chatting wif my SK ex-colleague..

clement n mi

n.. so happened tat clement was here today! disturbed them till they closed e shop.. after tat wei hao acc mi hm.. was msn-ing n sending e photos to e clement boi now before I slp!! *happy* =p

You're Shopping @

11:32 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

late as usual! I was on e train listening my mp3 while on my way to work.. suddenly, somebody tapped my shoulder..

stranger: Are you local?
mi: *nod*
stranger: Then are you chinese?
mi: ya?

wad a weird guy asking mi those weird questions early in e morning.. nvm.. anyway my colleague, shermain was on MC today.. den my boss, adeline went hm ard 1 pm.. heard tat she was sick.. btw nt much work to do also.. so went off at 5pm..

meet up wif ben after my dinner.. had his dinner at my hse nearby Mac n chatted till 10 plus.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:02 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Dinner At Ikea Restaurant
shopped ard at Ikea wif mum n aunt.. den dinner at Ikea restaurant.. I missed their meatballs! but didnt have it.. cos by e time when I finished my main dish, I will be full already..

lets start eating!~

Poached salmon

Roasted Chicken Leg With Butter Rice

two coffee pls?

enjoyed my salmon

after tat continued shopping.. nxt we headed to AnchorPoint.. actually wanted to visit my ex colleague, alex but saw my ex R.O, denise instead.. n she told mi tat he had being transferred to other outlet..

so had a quick chat wif her before I went back hm.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:02 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Trip To Johor Bahru
woke up super early although today is weekend.. went off to Johor Bahru at 9am wif parents n yin's parents.. suddenly I realised tat I have not been there for more than 1 yr already..

while on our way to Singapore Custom

n.. my first time to e new Malaysia Custom.. OMG! I sound like as if I have not been to Johor Bahru before.. anyway tat is such a great improvement.. more comfortable compare to e previous one.. but somehow it look much like an air port..

towards JB Sentral

is tat e main hall?

it sae "Welcome To JB Sentral"

e new Malaysia Custom

heavy traffic as usual

some random shots

our first stop will be City Square.. having breakfast at OldTown White Coffee first before we start shopping!! actually nth much also.. onli bought two more hello kitty head rest pillow..

City Square

lets have our breakfast!

e menu

thinking of wad to eat

my curry chicken mee

yummy! yummy!!

tat bus stop

n e bus is quite empty

sat at e bus stop n waited for abt half an hour? n nxt, we proceed to Pelangi Plaza.. slacked awhile at Macdonald den continued shopping..

after tat, left n back to Singapore at ard evening time.. at last, home swt home.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:29 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I Love Friday!
yeah!! finally is FRIDAY!! btw, I wanted to thanks ben for buying mi lunch.. cos he finished his sch so early.. n he sae he is free anyway.. actually today was e second time.. as e first time was on tuesday when he had his 3 hours break.. n I requested for 炸酱面 again!! =)

was quite slacked for e whole day.. so lunch for abt 2 hours, chatting wif my new colleague shermain, walking here n there.. n lastly.. went off punctually at 6pm.. =x

I have something to announce!!!

n tat is..


You're Shopping @

11:39 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Finally, Its Here!
so happy n excited!! cos at last, my online clothes were finally arrived!! so meet up wif ben after work to collect it.. actually we planned to have our dinner wif serene n sarah at Hans.. but during e last min, they changed to Holland V..

n after our final decision, e four of us took cab down.. waited for hong wei n stef at Thai Express.. after our dinner, most of us went back off first.. den acc hong wei to West Mall as he wanted to make contact lens.. while waiting, I took alot of pics of him!! but.. he deleted away n left one for mi onli! =p

zoom in.. ZOOM IN!!

e first thing when I reached hm is tried all e clothes.. n surprisingly, e sizes r alright for mi! except for one thing.. n tats is my fav piece is out of stock!!


1, 2, 3, 4, 5... ...

... ... 6, 7, 8, 9!!

tis is e one which is out of stock

anyway, was msging wif wei hao for e whole day.. <3

mi: feel like working halfway den go shopping!
hao: shopaholic! hahaas.. I sense my life will be bad le..
mi: y? where is e link?
hao: hahaa.. soon I'll be pull along.. den my wallet will start suffering.. =p
mi: dotz! totally no link!
hao: there is! bf isn's supposing to pay? lol
mi: 你后悔啊?haha..
hao: orh no.. 上了贼船.. hahaas.. kidding.. 不会后悔啦.. 傻瓜!

btw.. he is not my boyfriend yet..

You're Shopping @

10:43 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Blame It On My Stupidity
one of e sales executive, charlie brought mi along to help him distribute e brochure while he having his presentation at Singapore Pools Head Office.. btw is really nth much to do.. after tat we took cab again n back in office at 1.30pm.. den as usual, called trainee called until 6pm.. n hm for dinner! jus when I was using my com, suddenly I tot of something..


from e day he went missing till e day he appeared again n chatted wif mi in e Facebook, I knew he is jus fooling ard wif mi.. but I still choose to believe everything.. actually I cant blame him.. I should blame myself instead! n yes, wei hao, I was toking abt u.. so, u better give mi a gd explanation!!

You're Shopping @

10:56 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Visit Of Great-Uncle At Seng Kang
wanted to bring my parents to Pasir Ris Farm.. but instead we went to visit great-uncle (father's side).. before tat, chong was bored when waiting for ren to finish his bike practical training, so he came up to my hse for a awhile.. after tat we headed to Seng Kang.. tats my first time driving for a long distance.. =)

had a little chat wif them den to Compass Point for shopping n dinner.. went off ard 6 plus.. when on our way back hm, I almost fall aslp while driving on an expressway.. other than tat, everything was fine especially my parking for today! *happy*

You're Shopping @

11:19 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Siew Li!
slacked for e whole morning n afternoon.. den went off at ard evening time.. travelled alone to Pasir Ris for my dear siew li's 21st birthday chalet at Downtown East..

btw, thanks yeo for e photos!! =)

Gal, Happy Birthday!

e colourful balloons r all ard e bed


our pretty siew li

sen wei, mi n hwee

wif e birthday gal

her birthday present from jocelyn

how come our group left like tis? lol

yeo n mi.. n sen wei!!

while e guys r bz bbq

n.. we r bz too! bz taking photos.. lol

jocelyn n mi!!

but.. I didnt manage to sing birthday song for her.. cos its quite late already.. so went off first n reached hm abt 11 plus.. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! n hope u like e present! =)

You're Shopping @

11:54 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Shinjuku Incident
have been calling to trainees for e whole day.. anyway not much work to do also as most of e perm staffs went for e company retreat.. some of them even took almost two hours of break! =)

finished work at 6pm n was supposed to meet ben at jurong point.. but we met each other by chance at e train instead.. was meeting up wif serene too.. so while waiting for her, we went to buy movie tickets for Shinjuku Incident first.. den we were being asked for our IC which it is onli a NC16 show.. *happy*

btw we had Long John Silver for our dinner.. after tat she went off for shopping.. n we headed to e cinema..

Chinese migrant communities in Tokyo are shunned by mainstream society, hounded by the Yakuza and live each day in fear of being discovered and repatriated. It is an alien world for Steelhead, an honest, hardworking tractor repairman from northern China, who took the perilous journey to Tokyo in search of his girlfriend, Xiu Xiu. In his search of a decent living, Steelhead unwittingly finds himself pit against the Japanese yakuza. Ironically he also discovers that Xiu Xiu has adopted a Japanese identity and married Eguchi, an ambitious up and coming yakuza chief.

Steelhead wins the respect of his friends by establishing a base for them and forms an uneasy alliance with Eguchi. When he helps Eguchi dispose of a rival, he is given the control of Shinjukus night establishments. But, uninterested in living a gangsters life, Steelhead finds a new love and takes the chance to start a tractor repair business outside Tokyo. However, his peace is shortlived when word gets to him that his former compatriots were now being used by Eguchi to front the yakuzas drug business. Steelhead feels responsible for this turn of events and feels obligated to bring Eguchi down. He also has to bear in mind that if he goes after Eguchi, he would be destroying the newfound life of the woman he once loved. In any case, can one simple Chinese migrant take on the yakuza alone?

You're Shopping @

11:15 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

First Day In E2I
I was late for 5 mins on my first day of work! being asked to do calling from e name list for e whole day.. n everyone was using a laptop except mi.. but tats for e time being onli.. anyway I m now working on e Sales Department.. =)

tats e com I m using now, a very laggy one!

quite an old keyboard

in e office bz calling n CALLING!! =p

OT for one hour.. cos still gt lots of things have not finished.. so went off at 7pm.. hm for dinner!! tonight gt to slp early too.. n I m still not used to it yet! =(

You're Shopping @

10:47 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Rene!
e whole morning it was raining heavily.. nice weather for mi to slp.. but e renovation from e upstair woke mi up! argh! nvm.. had a bathe den went out to meet ben at BBDC.. finally he is prepared for his car enrolment..

after tat we headed to TradeHub 21.. ben n I planned to give them a surprise as today is rene's bday! we purposely hold hand while we walk in n serene's reaction was like "wow"! but too bad, rene didnt see it as she wasnt at her desk.. so we left e present at there n waited for her to be back.. was expected tat rene will be a bit shocked when she opened e box, cos a lip popped out n said " I Love You".. =p

anyway I was back to admin job n tml is my first day of work! think tonight will be slping early if not I cant wake up at 7am.. once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RENE!! =)

You're Shopping @

10:17 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Pasir Ris Farm
meet up wif ben at 9.30am n he acc mi to E2I for my job interview.. actually I was asked to work immediately.. but I rejected n requested to start work on tis coming thursday.. so I have more time to play!! =p

after tat took train n bus to Pasir Ris Farm.. n was under e super super hot sun!! 我们还走了很多冤枉路!! melting soon!!~

poor doggy.. no freedom at all!

we walked for ard 3 hours, den took bus to Tampines.. had our dinner first before we proceed to e new shopping mall, Tampines 1.. we bought something for rene!! cos tml is her big day!!

Love You ^^

cute? it popped out n sae "I Love You"

wrapped up by mi =)

went hm quite early for today cos we r super tired n slpy.. wrapped rene's present, msn, played Pets Society for awhile n now its time for mi to slp!!!~ -.-zZ

You're Shopping @

5:53 AM

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