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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
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Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Unborn
suppose to meet up wif ben at Douby Ghaut.. while waiting for mi, he headed to e arcade first.. I agreed tat I had nth to do.. so its *snap snap* time! =)

he didnt noe abt tis photo till I show it to him

after his game, we made our way to Grand Cathay to buy tickets for The Unborn.. saw my da jie joshua n had a quick chat wif him before e show start..

Sometimes the soul of a dead person has been so tainted with evil that it is denied entrance to heaven. It must endlessly wander the borderlands between worlds, desperately searching for a new body to inhabit. And sometimes it actually succeeds. A terrifying glimpse into the life of the undead in The Unborn, a supernatural thriller that follows a young woman pulled into a world of nightmares when a demonic spirit haunts her and threatens everyone she loves.

Casey Beldon (Odette Yustman) hated her mother for leaving her as a child. But when inexplicable things start to happen, Casey begins to understand why she left. Plagued by merciless dreams and a tortured ghost that haunts her waking hours, she must turn to the only spirtual advisor, Sendak (Gary Oldman), who can make it stop. With Sendak's help, Casey uncovers the source of a family curse dating back to Nazi Germany - a creature with the ability to inhabit anyone or anything that is getting stronger with each possession. With the curse unleashed, her only chance at survival is to shut a doorway from beyond our world that has been pried open by someone who was never born.

wad I can sae is.. throughout e whole show I m very irritated by those ppl who sit behind mi.. cos they tok so loud n keep kicking my chair! argh! nvm.. overall tis movie is great.. super scary.. after tat we walked to Plaza Singapura n dinner at Yoshinoya..

being "force" to take tis pic.. lol..

while waiting for train

n I shall end it wif my pic!! =)

enough of photos!! btw tis morning I received a call from Singapore Sports Council.. they arranged an job interview for mi on tis coming thursday.. soo happy!!~ =p

You're Shopping @

11:29 PM

Monday, March 30, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥




You're Shopping @

9:01 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Paradise Inn
used com for e whole morning till afternoon.. den drove to grandparents' hse first.. slacked until 5pm.. went to West Coast Plaza n had our dinner at Paradise Inn.. I forgot to bring my camera along! luckily my phone is wif mi.. all e pics r taken by my Samsung F480.. not bad.. =)

waiting for food to be ready

their pottery is so china

The Menu

Ice Milo?

"wad else to eat??"

I love their ancient pottery

soy sauce

forgot wad fish is tis already

ma po tofu

actually there r some more dishes.. but nv took photos of it.. cos I m super hungry already! hmm.. after tat back hm.. I m super super bored!! so used com again.. played Pets Society, AuditionSEA n phoned wif thomas.. think going to slp soon.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:03 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Pizza Hut
afternoon had my car washed wif parents.. den went hm first.. after awhile wy came over n asked mi to acc her out for shopping.. so asked her n my parents to tag along too.. had used 30 mins jus to find a parking lot at Jurong Point.. n finally we reached tat place.. was super hungry! wy's parents made a reservation at Pizza Hut.. but still.. we waited for table n our food for abt 45 mins?

mi n wy
whose tat?

yeah.. tats mi! ^^

ordering foods

Mango Tango

sooo thirsty

Soup Of The Day



I love taking photos.. lol!

Veggie Lover's

Meat Galore

went to e FairPrice Xtra to buy some car assessories.. after tat drove back.. chong waited 15 mins for mi at my blk there.. have a nice chat wif him till 11 plus.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:38 PM

Monday, March 23, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Lonely Or Emptiness?





You're Shopping @

11:20 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I jus came out from my bathroom den mum asked mi to look on e floor when I went in to e living room.. at first I dunno wad is she toking abt.. so I went in to search.. n I saw a Samsung F480!! tats e phone which I wanted to get it long time ago.. thanks mum n dad!! =)

e front part

n.. e back

wif e leather casing

went out ard 3pm.. had an appointment wif e agent at Alexandra Showroom to collect our car.. waited for ard 1 hour..

e showroom


another inside

they r bored!!

inside of e car park

tats e car

after tat drove to Plaza Singapura.. wif james sitting beside to guide mi.. had dinner n shopping.. wanted to buy some hello kitty's car accessories.. but e design isnt tat nice.. nvm.. ard 8 plus, everyone wanted to go hm already.. I m slpy.. so let james drove back.. stress! cos I still not familiar wif parking.. =(

You're Shopping @

10:25 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li
was on phone wif andrew till 3am n woke up quite early.. had appointment at Dr Steven Ang Family Clinic.. den brought my two babies for nail cutting.. after tat went to West Mall for returning e uniform to SK.. passed back to kelvin his sketchbook at City Hall n had a quick chat before I meet up wif ben.. we went to queue first at Ryoichi Sushi while waiting for serene, rene, ming n gwen to reach..

deciding wad to eat

neutral colour

n.. traffic light colour.. wad a face!

free salmon

lovely couple

still waiting..

Tonkastu Wazen

Sushi Wazen

Grilled Chicken With Special Sauce

group photo after dinner

while waiting for serene to shop finish

decided to watch Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li.. bought 9.35pm show..

Based on the legendary video game, STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI brings a new dimension to a world and characters beloved by millions. Devastated by the kidnapping of her father, Chun-Li takes to the streets of Hong Kong, embarking on an epic quest for justice - and hurtling toward a confrontation with a seemingly unstoppable foe.

took e last train hm after tat.. n was on phone wif thomas now.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My Last Day In SK Jewellery
well, today is my last day in SK Jewellery.. I noe I m not suitable in retail line.. so.. yup.. have learned alot within these few days.. thanks to my seniors! especially at Causeway Point, working wif them was fun.. =)

bought myself a Ice Pour Femme Perfume.. I think e promoter sae tat its new in market.. not sure.. tml onwards, gonna find new job again! OMG!

You're Shopping @

11:26 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Should I Continue?
I was counting stock tis morning.. den suddenly someone pop out.. n tats mr. andrew!! he was wif his frenz when he came here to "visit" mi.. wad a surprise! actually everyday I was there thinking whether should I continue tis job anot..

during tis few days I was chatting wif my colleagues n they also agreed tat I wasnt suitable for tis retail line.. anyway my my car will be arriving ard tis end of month.. so now quit job isnt e right time too.. nvm.. 走一步算一步吧! =)

You're Shopping @

10:51 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Grandpa!
slpt at 4am cos was chatting on phone wif andrew till 4am.. n finally my off day!! actually my parents wanted mi to go along for e car testing.. but I couldnt woke up on time so didnt joined them.. used com for e whole afternoon.. bathe den went off to Bugis..

today is celebrating my grandfather's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! was super sad tat I forgot to charge my camera!! no pic for today! anyway we had our dinner at Hotel Royal Queens.. e food is not bad.. but not for e price.. its a bit unreasonable.. after tat meet up wif andrew at Dohby Ghaut.. we watched My Bloody Valentine 3D..

Ten years ago, a tragedy changed the town of Harmony forever. Tom Hanniger, an inexperienced coal miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into a permanent coma. But Harry Warden wanted revenge. Exactly one year later, on Valentine's Day, he woke up...and brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before being killed.

Ten years later, Tom Hanniger returns to Harmony on Valentine's Day, still haunted by the deaths he caused. Struggling to make amends with his past, he grapples with unresolved feelings for his ex-girlfriend, Sarah, who is now married to his best friend, Axel, the town sheriff. But tonight, after years of peace, something from Harmony's dark past has returned. Wearing a miner's mask and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, Tom, Sarah and Axel realize in terror that it just might be Harry Warden who's come back to claim them...

nice scary horror movie.. "ben!! so sry tat I watched first!!" lol.. we walked to Orchard station den hm swt hm.. gt to slp early cos tml still need to work! =p

You're Shopping @

11:46 PM

Friday, March 13, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

All The Best!
I m back! life at there isnt so bad after all.. gd point is can wake up late.. n e bad point is very stress.. cos each of us have a personal target.. been to three outlet these few days.. have partner wif zhen zhen, vivian n zi jian at Westmall, alex at AnchorPoint, micheal, clement, wendy n vinnie at Causeway Point.. but most of them is not from local country..

today went over to Causeway Point.. saw andrew n her gf.. den after awhile saw qiqi, xiao hui n their frenz.. n lastly met an qi.. wad a coincidence! anyway I miss them so much! =)

my R.O, denise (our-in-charge) came down for tis three days.. many of my colleagues told mi tat how fierce she is.. n I dont think so.. although today I have make a serious mistake by losing a big customer, instead of scold, she told n taught mi alot of general principles.. so I promise tat will work hard n not let her down!

btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO REN N CHONG!! it have been another yr.. time passes so fast.. nvm.. all e best to all of us! =)

You're Shopping @

11:45 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Left 4 Dead
well.. today went over to grandparent's hse (mum's side).. grandfather, ming, wy n james were playing mahjong when I reached there.. den had our dinner ard 5 plus.. after tat all e adults went hm n left e five of us.. so ming suggested to play Left 4 Dead at Recreation Center's Aloha Cybercafe..

e horrible zombies game

my bro was so concentrate on it

james was teaching wy how to play

n so she decided to try it for awhile

darren n his frenz came n joined in e game.. onli e guys were playing.. james, wy, hao n mi left e place at 9pm while they still wanna continued their games.. btw thanks wy for sending us hm! its almost 11pm n I am going to slp soon.. tml will be my first day of work.. n all e best to myself! =)

You're Shopping @

10:54 PM

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