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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


♥ 1 Songs Currently Playing ♥


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Saturday, January 31, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Red Cliff 2
wow.. now is already 3am! anyway I jus reached hm.. going to bath n slp soon.. but let mi blog abt wad have I done for e whole day first! hmm.. back to work.. maybe is my last day? cos I heard from serene tat they have jus hired three temp staffs.. nvm.. will be looking for a full-time job soon..

work ended at 5pm, meet up wif gene.. took train to City Hall n bought our movie tickets.. watching Red Cliff 2 at Marina Square.. finally! but e timing we bought is 11.30pm.. four more hours to go.. spent 1 hour plus for dinner at KFC.. he keep speaking Cantonese wif mi today.. luckily I understand wad he is toking abt.. saw ming n gwen while on our way back to Marina Square.. still so loving.. hmm.. bought two sketchbooks from Muji.. after tat, we sat at e staircase where facing e Esplanade.. so many ppl! forgot tat they r having a Chinagay Parade.. lastly its 11.15pm! time for us to get ourselves ready for e show to start! den took NR 8 hm..

RED CLIFF II tells the story of the legendary Battle of Red Cliff, a decisive battle during the period of the Three Kingdoms in China, as told in the Chinese classic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

You're Shopping @

3:24 AM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I Need More Time
finally back to work after for almost 3 weeks? cos serene is on leave.. so I m here to replace her.. ming yi waited for mi at Jurong Point after my work.. actually wanted to go his god mum's hse wif him to pay a New Year call.. but he sae she will be back hm at 8 plus.. which means he needs to go alone already cos meeting chong n agnes for dinner..

went to Starbucks Coffee instead.. was toking abt ren.. now den I noe wad is e main reason he wanted to leave mi so much.. as I heard from them, after we broke up or maybe before tat, he had been chatting on phone wif a gal almost every night.. I dun understand.. I love him so much n how can he gave up our 3 yrs of relationship jus like tat? now he is happily wif a gal n yet I m suffering all e pains he gave.. I really dunno which words he sae to mi is true.. y must he need to be so SELFISH? I should have wake up long ago.. nth is FOREVER..

during tis 2 hours, I bursts into tears while we mention abt our relationship n how he treated mi like a fool.. y things will turn out tis way? I feel so useless n all I can do is cry.. but at last, I managed to calm down a bit n stopped thinking abt it.. for the time being, my mind is really very tired.. ming yi came back to sent mi hm after tat.. btw thanks chong n agnes for lending me a listening ear.. n to all those frenz who r always by my side, thanks for e concern.. I really appreciate tat.. I promised I will pull myself together again.. jus give mi more time..

You're Shopping @

11:03 PM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Missed For The Sentosa Festival
was planning to join my family n relatives for e Sentosa Festival.. saw ming yi while on our way there.. I totally dun hav e mood to go when we reached.. cos.. tat was too crowded! ended up I left them as they went in to e Sentosa n meet up wif ming instead..

we meeting 3pm e City Hall MRT Station.. while waiting, a guy named thomas came over to mi n took my hp number.. at first, he was standing near e control station.. den suddenly he stand beside mi.. anyway I have e feeling tat he will take my number too.. after he left, I quickly msg ming, asking where he is.. bcos its 3.10pm.. n he told mi tat actually he is there already.. jus tat he is waiting for my call onli.. -.-"

had drinks n cheese fries at Billy Bomber.. slacked for awhile before we start shopping.. btw lot of shops still not open yet.. so continued to slack at Millieum Walk n Esplanade until yin n james have reached.. after tat yin sent us back.. they came my hse to pay a New Year call (bai nian).. ming yi wanted to meet mi for movie.. but dun feel like watching those shows.. in e end, he still came down.. chatted for abt 1 hour? n finally its slping time! =)

You're Shopping @

11:50 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Chinese New Year
slept at 5am.. n woke up at 11am.. so tired.. btw.. Happy Chinese New Year!!! parent n bro went down to my grandparent's hse first.. cos I need 2 hours to bath n make-up.. pics time!~

cousins forever!

mi n ming.. I like tis pic!!

mum n handsome bro

yin n hao.. so loving!!

after tat, went to grand uncle's hse for abt 2 hours.. n back to grandparent's hse again for dinner.. majong session.. ard 11 plus, went supper wif darren, ming, gwen, yin n james.. lastly, thanks darren for senting us back! =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Sunday, January 25, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Reunion Dinner
meeting liang zhen 10.30am at Woodlands.. although I woke up at 7am, I m still late.. for 15 mins.. actually wanted to watch Red Cliff 2 but ended up we bought Inkheart.. bcos I think ytd I have checked wrongly.. nvm..

"Inkheart" is a timeless adventure tale of imagination that centers on Meggie, a young girl whose father, Mo Folchart has a secret ability to bring characters from books to life when he reads them aloud. But when a power-hungry villain from a rare children's fable kidnaps Meggie's father to bring others out of the boundaries of fiction, she and a disparate group of friends both real and magic embark on the kind of adventure she has only read about in books to save him and set things right.

hmm.. after e show, acc him to pierce his ear.. helped to choose earring n clothing as well.. really very last min.. lol.. den he went back hm.. as for mi, since gene going back to his hometown tonight, so will be giving him a little surprise! while waiting, saw a cute couple pillow handphone chain n I bought it.. 1 hour 30 mins lata, finally gene finished his work.. n had his dinner at Mac.. slack till 5pm.. after tat he sent mi hm..

reunion dinner

my relatives (dad's side) were playing majong when I reached hm.. our reunion dinner started ard 6.30pm.. we gt some cantonese dishes n streamboat.. was super super full.. after tat aunt taught mi parallel n vertical parking.. practice a few times before we start our majong session.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:58 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My Final Decision
back to BBDC for e last time.. cos ytd e system broke down.. so today went back to submit my result n passport size photo.. I waited for almost 2 hours jus for tat! nvm..

train down to Bugis.. wanted to find bridget.. as I have decided to withdraw from sch.. but forget to make appointment.. so ended up, I will be seeing her tml.. hm after tat.. really dun have e mood to do anything or meet anyone else.. =(

You're Shopping @

9:12 PM

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Practical Test - Passed
my eyes were super swollen.. cried for e whole night.. didnt have e mood to concentrate for my Practical Test which is at 4pm.. tot I will fail it again.. bcos during e warm-up session, I did quite badly.. but surprisingly, I passed.. finally passed.. although demerit point is 18.. its fine to mi..

though I gained something, but I losed something as well.. someone tat is important to mi.. I guess its time for mi to let go everything.. cos I noe no matter wad, he wun be back by my side anymore..

You're Shopping @

10:31 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Its The End Of Our Story
went to BBDC for my final revision before I went to sch.. had my 3D lesson den hm.. msg ren n asked him to bring my drawing board n wires for mi.. he did come.. but he left immediately, didnt even hav e time for mi to sae anything.. actually e main reason is I wanted to pass e t-shirt n patch things up wif him..

few hours lata I received his msg.. he told mi better for us to stay as frenz.. he is tired of all e quarrels.. but is tis e reason? I jus dun understand.. n I cant accept it.. ='(

You're Shopping @

11:35 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Eden Lake
back to sch again.. but I jus stayed for awhile onli.. meet up wif siew li at Orchard.. had our lunch at Pastamania.. after tat our first stop which is Far East Plaza.. next will be The Heeren n Cineleisure.. I rmb seeing those cute couple tee at Grand Cathay.. I swear I will be back for it.. but after a few weeks, it have moved to somewhere else.. n today I finally found it at Cineleisure!! poor gal waited for mi abt half an hour? or maybe more den tat..

e pic for e t-shirt

from Charles & Keith

I bought myself a pair of shoes n she bought a bag at Wisma's Charles & Keith.. continued shopping at Plaza Singapura.. n lastly Grand Cathay! its movie time!!

went to Billy Bomber for our dinner.. we spent more den 15 mins choosing our food.. didnt realise tat we had onli left 20 mins for us to finish it.. saw wy, james, ming, gwen n darren while eating..

her Fish and Chips

my huge All Star Burger

watched 9.30pm show - Eden Lake

As an engagement surprise, Steve (Fassbender) takes his girlfriend Jenny (Reilly) on a camping trip to a secluded lake. Steve has chosen the romantic spot, and is waiting for the perfect moment to surprise Jenny with a marriage proposal. When a gang of youths steals their car, Steve confronts them, leading to a chain of brutal acts and heart stopping violence.

sad to sae.. I watched it before.. is jus tat I forgot e title.. actually e whole show is quite nice but e ending I dun like.. went back at 11 plus.. well, on phone wif gene now.. will be slping lata.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:52 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

was told to be in sch by 9.30am.. as usual I m late.. 2 hours late.. some of them have already started painting..

slacked till 4pm.. den jin hai's gf came down to my sch to look for mi.. she wants e truth bcos jin hai always lied to her.. after we have make everything clear.. which we found out all e lies he had told us.. waited ren to reach first.. after tat we took cab to jin hai's frenz's hse as he meet mi there.. ren waited for mi downstair.. n his gf came along wif mi.. so we sat down, hoping to get some explanations.. but in e end he nv sae anything..

nvm.. it doesnt matter to mi.. left his hse at 6.30pm.. cab down to Singapore Expo.. promised ren to watch George Lam Chi Cheung (林子祥) Concert since he had two free tickets.. so y not? bought potatoes chips too.. hmm.. overall his songs r alright for mi.. cos I also gt listen to cantonese songs.. among so many of them, 选择 is my favourite.. =)

ended at 10 plus.. back to Bukit Batok for dinner.. n lastly hm sweet hm.. ^^

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Friday, January 16, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I Miss You So
was supposed to meet at 10am for e 2D Mural.. but I was late.. everything was started when I reached.. they r drawing out e outline.. cos tml we need to do e painting..

drawing while we r slacking

breakfast wif aivy n tian tian while everyone was drawing.. nowadays, e weather is super hot.. so had some ice at e Ice Monster first..

Shave Mango Durian

on our way back to sch, we were interview by Channel 8.. they asked whether will we buy if there is a white van selling a $300 stereo set instead of $3000..

anyway tml is our C Day (creative day).. everyone is so bz preparing for e open hse.. same goes for our lecturers n our seniors for some courses like fashion design, product design, fine arts... ...

works from e graduate students

fashion design

from e graduate students too

same for these two designs

our 3D hands

works from our foundation lvl

having drawing lesson at 1.30pm.. is related to e last fri's lesson.. have to rush to BBDC for revision after sch.. n waited for ren to finish his bike lesson.. dinner at Kopitiam before he sent mi hm.. finally get to meet him after 13 days.. I miss him.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:19 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

3D lesson Cancelled
having my CCS lesson at 11am.. e first group to present is e art noveau group.. n tat is kelvin, jessie, carmen, laura, nicole n charyn.. I can sae tat they r well-prepared to have such a gd presentation.. well, mine will be after Chinese New Year!

after tat, had our lunch at Burger King wif aivy n tian tian.. back to sch for 3D lesson.. den.. we was told tat class is cancelled.. bcos our lecturer, leo is sick.. since sch ended early, decided to meet up wif jin hai at City Hall.. had a long chat at Starbucks Coffee.. went off at 6 plus cos he need to meet his gf n frenz for dinner.. acc him over.. wanted to see his gf too.. but things did nt end up well.. I think his gf flare up when she saw mi..

met liang zhen two times.. first time is at Marina Square n e second time is at Suntec City.. wad a coincidence! its such a long time since I saw tis boi already.. so joined him to reminisce.. went hm ard 8 plus.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:27 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Laura!
having my driving revision tis morning at 8am.. put up at try-sell session.. but nobody wanted tis slot.. so in e end I jus go for it.. went to sch for drawing lesson.. we have to use rule n a bamboo stick instead of paint brush to paint!

was thinking should I attend I.S lesson anot.. half an hour break for mi to think before e lesson start.. acc tian tian (my new classmate) to eat dou hua.. since I have nth to do.. so I might as well attend e lesson.. saw a cake on e table when we went back to class n realise tat today is laura's birthday!
our lecturer asked us to prepare a packet of cooked rice n a packet of uncooked yellow noodle.. I have tried very hard to listen.. but seriously.. I still dun understand wad is e whole lesson abt..

after sch, having appointment at Dr Steven Ang Clinic.. bought some medicine.. while I was on my way back hm, jin hai's gf called to clarify something.. anyway I wun be surprised.. cos I knew tat she will be calling mi sooner or lata.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:48 PM

Monday, January 12, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Shopping Instead Of Lesson?
manage to wake up for my lecturer.. but.. I jus went off after I marked my attendance wif si jun.. acc to had his breakfast at Mac.. since we have nth to do, so went back to sch.. e lecturer ended at 11am.. den bernard joined us.. slacked at Mos Burger.. bought fries, drink.. n.. a very cute handphone chain!!

after tat si jun n bernard went off.. left mi alone.. suddenly I feel like shopping.. so train to City Hall.. first stop is City Link.. bought a dress at Hypnosis.. n yup.. I have won a 30% off for my next purchase in tis Sure Win Instant Dip.. =)

next stop is Marina Square.. tried a high neck top at Zara.. was still thinking whether I should buy it anot.. anyway I bought a bag at Tomato Can.. I like e materials.. super soft.. oh ya.. bought fake eyelashes at Sasa before I left e place..

omg.. shopping at weekdays is e best.. especially before 3pm.. cos not much students n working adults blocking my ways.. n finally my last stop is.. back to e sch.. had my 2D lesson at 3pm till 6pm.. while on my way back hm, saw wy.. she was in e same cabin wif mi.. have a gd chat wif her till we reached..

You're Shopping @

10:37 PM

Sunday, January 11, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Drawing For My Weekend
10/01/09 (sat)

woke up at 10am.. had my breakfast.. n started on my 100 drawings immediately.. until ard 2am.. n I manage to finish up to 47 drawings onli.. so sad.. I have to burn my weekend! need to do as much as possible..

notice gt one blank?

11/01/09 (sunday)

same things for sunday.. continued my drawing at 12pm.. bring out more magazine n tata!~ whole table was in a mess..

my messy table

8 more to go for tis page

citi skyline by colour pencil

today onli managed to do e second page.. but.. cannot even finished e whole page.. my mind is so blank now.. so sleepy.. gave up in e end.. quickly start on my 2D.. tml each of us need to submit a sketch of citi skyline.. I used abt onli 1 hour.. or maybe less den tat? tats all.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:54 PM

Thursday, January 8, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

PrintMaking Workshop
having Print Making Workshop today.. e lesson started wif introducing e printmaking techniques.. quickly went to Art Friends to buy a linoleum sheet n lino cutting tools during e 20 mins break.. after tat, our lecturer demonstrate on lino cutting.. as for our homework is to draw n cut out our image on e lino..

sch ended at 1pm.. went to BBDC for revision.. omg!! wad happen to my skill?! 2 months didnt drive.. n I think I really need more practice.. but.. no time for mi.. I dun wish to fail my next driving test.. =(

You're Shopping @

10:44 PM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

ytd after sch meet up wif jin hai for a little chat.. I noe him for ard 6 yrs already.. but ytd is e first time meeting him.. =)

at lecture theater

CCS lesson at 11am.. bad news.. going to have a individual presentation from next week onwards.. mine is at week 5 which is after e Chinese New Year's week.. I hate presentation.. somebody help!!! *sigh*

feel like buying e white colour

having 2 hours break after tat.. went shopping alone at Bugis Junction.. bought a pair of black sandal from Charles & Keith.. den back to sch.. for 3D lesson.. our lecturer, leo wasnt in sch today.. but e lesson still on.. finished sch at 5pm.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:16 PM

Monday, January 5, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Back To School
welcome back to sch! its finally semester 2.. cant sae tat I m happy.. cos I can sense lots n lots of projects r coming!! was still thinking if I wanna continue my studies anot..

during PPD lesson, I chat wif my lecturer.. I told her tat I wanted to withdraw.. n she sae.. as long as I put in more effort, I will be able to pass my foundation year.. btw glad tat I passed my semester one CCS.. after much consideration.. at last I have made a final decision n tat is continued studying.. so must jia you! =)

You're Shopping @

10:01 PM

Saturday, January 3, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

after we have separated, walking alone.. listening to song.. my tears jus cant stop dropping.. was listening to kelly's 记事本 earlier on.. suit my feeling now.. 心好痛..



爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了

爱的痛了 痛的哭了 哭的累了


You're Shopping @

9:20 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy New Year
during e New Year Eve.. working half day wif ming onli which is from 8.30am to 12pm.. actually after work, suppose to meet jin hai.. but ming sae its v dangerous to meet a guy tat nv even see before.. lol.. so we went IMM instead.. lunch at Ichiban Sushi..

let choose our food

ocha (green tea)?

spicy salmon carpaccio

sashimi set

super hungry!

tori cheese katsu set

acc him to shop while waiting for ren.. meeting him at Jurong East.. den we took train to Douby Ghaut.. bought our movie ticket - Bedtime Stories at Grand Cathay.. 3 hours before our show start.. having drink at Starbucks Coffee n shopping at Plaza Singapura.. e weather is super hot! *melting soon* back to Grand Cathay.. we were chatting abt pretty gals while waiting to go in..

mi: 看,有美女耶!
ren: 我只对懂我心的人有兴趣 <3

our last show for 2008

An adventure comedy starring ADAM SANDLER as Skeeter Bronson, a hotel handyman whose life is changed forever when the bedtime stories he tells his niece and nephew start to mysteriously come true. He attempts to take advantage of the phenomenon, incorporating his own aspirations into one outlandish tale after another, but its the kids unexpected contributions that turn Skeeters life upside down.

I laughed all e way while watching e show.. I like e ginnie pig.. its so cute.. especially e eyes.. lol.. after e show, we walked to Marina Bay.. waiting for abt 2 hours for e 7 mins fireworks.. tis yr's countdown is so special for both of us.. y? bcos during our first n second yr, we "broke up" n happened to patch back at every 1st jan.. so tis yr we manage to celebrate new yr eve happily together.. so happy!! =)

we took train back to Bukit Batok for supper.. was super hungry! checked e timing for last train to Yishun before we had it.. I m so happy bcos we have 1 hour for mi to eat.. ok.. its 2am now.. gd bye to year 2008.. n lets welcome to our year 2009! Happy New Year! =)

You're Shopping @

3:02 AM

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