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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Sunday, November 30, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Eileen!
today will it be a fun day? lets see.. as usual, meet ren first.. den headed to Yio Chu Kang.. for his haircut..

so hardworking? lol!

waiting.. waiting..

done.. any different? of cos! ^^

after tat took train to my grandparents' hse.. while waiting for e dinner, we had a quick shop at West Coast Plaza.. which is used to be Ginza Plaza.. haven been here for a very long long time..

West Coast Plaza

Christmas is coming..

e insect performance

left grandparents' hse ard 7.30pm.. meeting eileen at Clarke Quay.. actually our meeting time is 8pm.. but most of them came ard 8.30pm-9pm.. while waiting for e rest.. pic time! lots of funny pics of mi n ren.. n of cos I wun post it out.. =p

mi n my cute mummy

a bracelet from him (her lasalle classmate)

party at Million! shu min wanted to give eileen surprise.. so last min she "pop up" wif her gf.. btw, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, EILEEN! n e bday gal is almost drunk.. eileen, dun drink too much.. here is ur cake!! =)

mi, min, qiqi

happy birthday!!

stay cheerful always! =)

took last train back.. before we left, melvin keep asking mi to slow down my driving test cos now he also taking class 3C.. -.-"

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Detective
bored.. bored.. super bored! wanted to go out.. but dunno where to go.. so ended up stay at ren's hse together wif agnes n chong.. his mum prepared us dinner.. den watched tv - The Detective.. which acted by aaron kwok.. after tat he acc mi hm.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:54 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Second Attempt - Fail!

having Practical Test again at 8.30am.. so warm-up time is 7.30am.. e traffic in e morning is super heavy.. cant get myself to e right lane.. so I have tis Immediate Fail for change lane without due care (U-Turn).. 10 points each for strike kerb n stopping on e pedestrian crossing.. so total no. of demerit points is 46.. -.-''

test report

no mood for my DD review.. dun care already.. anyway wads e point of going it if I noe I will get a F grade? so went straight to ren's hse.. slack.. lunch first..

after tat went to Vivo City.. have many things to buy for my ham-ham.. wanted to give them a wonderful hm.. but everything is so expensive.. nvm.. wait till I pay all my debt first.. =p

You're Shopping @

11:24 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Agnes.. Agnes..
having my first revision at 12.20pm.. den meet my mum at West Mall to renew my PDL.. n cancelled my DBS acc.. back to BBDC again for my second revision which is at 4pm..

after tat took train to Orchard.. meeting agnes.. nth to shop at Far East Plaza.. so is dinner time! walked to Plaza Singapura.. having our dinner at Thai Express.. n having our chit-chatting session.. hmm.. jus hoping tat she wun think too much.. btw.. hm at 11pm.. have to slp early as I need to wake up very early for tml! gd luck for mi!!! =)

You're Shopping @

11:23 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Problems Settled
I email him a list of wad-I-wan-him-to-improve.. suppose to watch movie.. but no mood to do tat.. I need to settle our problems first.. today he is late for almost 1 hour..

went to Grand Cathay's Starbucks Coffee.. having my Java Chip.. n e whole conversation started at 5pm n ended at 8pm.. as usual, I m e one who tok e most.. hopefully everything will get into his mind.. n hopefully wadever he promised mi, he will try his best to do it..

after tat walked all e way to Bugis.. having chicken rice at somewhere which is nearby Lasalle.. den back hm.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:41 PM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

DF Review
DF review for today.. I bought 12 drawing n one sketchbook for lecturer to check onli.. so feedback from lecturer erzan:

She has to work hard to catch up on the drawing. Has shown very little progress, but I believe she has the capability to do better if she wants to do it. Proportion, perspective, foreshortening are very weak. Shape and shade, Chinese ink missing.

I knew I will fail tis.. guess I better catch up during semester 2.. after sch, meet ren at Yio Chu Kang.. bought 2 DVDs to his hse.. Chronicles of Narnia: The Prince Caspian n Wall-E.. finished two movies at 8 plus.. dinner den went back hm.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:45 PM

Monday, November 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

2D Review
quickly finished up e painting.. went to e printing shop first.. done e rest of e cutting n pasting for sketchbook in sch while waiting for my turn..

my final

feedback from lecturer sharina:

Good learning attitude. Quite open and accepting to ideas on how to improve on assignments. There was a better engagement in final project with good idea development and sketches.

Need to improve on the finer details of sketchbook layout. To be more consistent with focus of class assignments and have more explorations in The Principles of Art and Design so as to achieve a more dynamic composition in artwork/design. Look into your artists or designer research and test out or experiment more on painting techniques(work on small portions) to improve and develop on your technical skills. Do not just be contented with doing the basics of the brief.

You're Shopping @

10:17 PM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

2D Final
hmm.. no life for these three days.. jus for my 2D!!

fri (21/11):

working as usual.. once again, serene is on 1 week leave.. so ben covered her place for today.. n.. I have recieved complain letter form customer.. forget is abt wad.. dun really bothered abt it.. so after work, rush back hm to do my artist research..

sat (22/11):

woke up so early.. tot will be on time for work.. but ended up I m still late bcos I m lost.. forget to asked e location.. btw today working at International Plaza.. wif karen n charlotte.. here, most of e ppl is taking IT or language course.. work ended at 5.15pm, meet kelvin at Orchard's Art Friend.. acc mi to buy acrylic board n he gave mi some ideas of painting it..

sun (23/11):

working at International Plaza for e second day wif charlotte onli.. sunday is quite peaceful.. not much ppl apply for courses.. except for asking e room for studies.. again, rush back hm after work to complete my final..

You're Shopping @

11:55 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I.S Review
was slping so soundly till si jun called.. asking mi wanna go for I.S review anot.. cos no grade for tat.. actually I dun wan, I rather spent my time on e 2D.. but in e end I still go for I.S.. same as 3D.. first come first serve.. n.. I m e 2nd last.. waited for my turn for almost 4 hours which is 8.30pm!

so, comment from my lecturer henderson is "although u have come to my lesson.. but is like an empty shell.. u did not participate on every activites.. how can I help u?" n I asked back how.. he continued.. blah.. blah.. blah.. suddenly he asked mi wad is in my mind now, is it "can u stop toking" or "when can I go hm"? (in a jokingly tone).. I shaked my head.. den he asked, "den wad is in ur mind now?" I sae, "nth.. my mind is totally blank now".. so overall, our conversation lasted for 15 mins.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:34 PM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

3D Review
yup.. today is my 3D review at 2pm.. first come first serve.. I m e last fourth.. waited for almost 3 hours.. let mi show u e work I have done ytd.. we finished it at 4.30am..

overall it looks like tis..

tis two costs us almost 2 to 3 hours

conversation betwwn mi n my lecturer leo:

"ur sketchbook is neat n tidy.. ur Texture is gd.. but tis isnt cost u alot of marks.. u need to improve on ur journal.. must write more abt ur ideas development.. I believe u can do much better den tis.. I notice ur oct attendance is not so gd.. must take care n drink more water!"

actually he wanted to give B.. but bcos of my journal, ended up either C or D is my grade.. lol.. =/

You're Shopping @

10:11 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

3D Materials Play
supposed to have DF review tis afternoon.. but I didnt go.. is a fail anyway.. so all I have to concentrate is my 3D which is tml.. for my whole afternoon till evening, I did my development ideas n sketches on my sketchbook..

night time, I started doing my Texture.. we were given some papers such as rice paper, tissue paper n gauze.. for some experiment.. n required to explore n create six different surfaces or textures wif e materials provided..

mum going to help mi.. thanks mum! now I m going to continued my work.. n.. I guess I wun be able to slp early! =(

You're Shopping @

10:48 PM

Monday, November 17, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Gd Luck For My Review
finally after so long, I had my revision again at BBDC.. as usual, there is alot of mistake.. which is fail to blind spot n vertical parking.. hmm.. after tat waited for him at Yio Chu Kang den headed to his hse.. anyway chong has built e ham ham's hm already.. was packing his room.. cos his mum sae put ham ham there.. n.. his room is so tidy now! but I guess it will be messy again in a few weeks time..

e father ham-ham

n.. e baby ham-ham!

I am sad.. cos cant see my ham ham for e time being.. need to rush my work already.. cos tis two week is my review.. n.. gd luck for mi! so stress!! =(

You're Shopping @

9:43 PM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Cute Ham Ham
actually meeting ren at 10am.. but he is on e way to police station to bail jere out.. so I went to sch first.. awhile lata, ren came in when I was doing my things halfway..

after tat dinner while waiting for my da jie joshua n luvina to come back.. cos wanna collect my ham ham! so cute.. they r abt 3cm onli.. I took two babies n one adult from them.. den da jie drive us to Yishun.. tml will be coming back to his hse to build my ham ham's lovely pinky cage! =)

You're Shopping @

11:26 PM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

on my way to ren's hse, saw geric on train.. today gonna do some work for drawing.. took almost three hours jus to draw e tree trunk.. dinner at his hse.. den finally agnes came.. acc her for dinner first.. actually chong did not noe tat she is coming up.. jus wanted to give him a surprise.. n it works! e silly boi is so happy.. =p

after so long, managed to pass her e bday present from chong n mi.. hope she likes it! I wanna go shopping soon!! maybe after my nov review? o ya.. andrew sae he saw mi at Yishun mrt station.. so many frenz staying in Yishun.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:35 PM

Friday, November 14, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

after work went down to BBDC to find ren.. having a hair cut (fringe) at Beauty World.. while waiting for my turn, two women wif three or four kids came in.. awhile lata, one of e women started to smoke.. hey.. smoking inside a shopping mall??!! I tot tats not allow? n there is a no-smoking sign nearby.. but nobody cares abt it.. nvm.. anyway my fringe looks weird.. ^^v

You're Shopping @

10:29 PM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Coffin
actually wanted to go The Singapore Biennale for my artist research.. but si jun sae he sending mi e pics.. so we decided to watch movie at Grand Cathay instead! - The Coffin

Inspired by a true Thai ritual of lying in coffins to get rid of bad luck and prolong life, THE COFFIN is a supernatural thriller about a young man and a young woman who decide to go through the ritual in Thailand.

Chris, a claustrophobic architect does it in the hope of saving his fiance whos dying of terminal cancer. Sue, a nutritionist visiting Thailand from Hong Kong does it to save her own life after being diagnosed with a lethal brain tumor - one week before her wedding. After the ritual, Chris and Sue experience what appear to be miracles in their respective lives. But soon, they find themselves confronted by a series of bizarre and terrifying incidents. With the help of a professor specializing in paranormal cases associated with the ritual, they set out to exorcise the ghosts that haunt them, and attempt to reverse the wheel of karma.

Thrilling, mysterious and ultimately moving, THE COFFIN is a spine-chilling horror about the beauty of life and death, and coming to face to face with living and dying. It was shot in six provinces across Thailand on actual locations including a 100-year-old temple, real cemeteries, inside active crematorium chambers and an ancient meditation cave.

after e movie, we had Mos Burger.. went Art Friend to buy mounting board.. den back to Bukit Batok for seeing doc n MC.. lastly, acc him to top up for his 2B lesson at BBDC.. hmm.. review week is coming.. need to finish up my work as many as possible.. cya! =)

You're Shopping @

10:50 PM

Monday, November 10, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Buy Or Not Buy?
ren came n look for mi after he finished his lesson.. I went off early at 5pm since our lecturer isnt teaching us anything..

walked all e way to Singapore Flyer.. cos I tot The Singapore Biennale is somewhere near there.. n when we reached, e ppl in e information counter told us tat monday is closed.. so we walked all e way back to Suntec City n had our dinner at Pastamania.. I ate Carbonara n he had his Creamy Chicken..

as usual, shopped Suntec City, Marina Square n City Link.. saw a pair of white colour boots at Charles and Keith.. boots again? but it is so nice.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:08 PM

Sunday, November 9, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Half Dead
wanna finish up my 2D's work.. but my long lost frenz which is mr flu, mr cough, mr fever n mr sore throat come n disturb mi..


although I always see doc n get MC, but tis time I m really sick.. suddenly, I miss u so much.. =/

You're Shopping @

9:56 PM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Belicia!
woke up early trying to finish up my 2D's work before I going out.. but in e end, I stopped doing at 4.30pm.. ren came down to meet mi first.. den went to Pasir Ris for our princess belicia's party..

happy 1st birthday!

he is starving.. lol..

e birthday cake

she is happy =)

lets start eating!

with princess belicia

on our way back hm

party end at 11pm.. after tat chong drive mi hm first.. btw Happy Birthday, Belicia!! stay cute always! =)

You're Shopping @

11:57 PM

Friday, November 7, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Present At Kiddy Palace
after work, went to Jurong Point wif ren.. cos tml is his cousin's 1st years old bday.. so both of us Kiddy Palace is e most suitable place for her present.. wanted to buy clothes but dunno wad size is she wearing.. I dun like to buy toys for kids.. finally, for e last 15 mins before e shop is closing, we managed to find something cute n useful.. which is a photo album..

its so cute

something which I dun like is e stuff over there who is very rude! e attitude is super sux.. nvm.. I wun let her spoilt my mood.. bcos I m happy today! anyway I better start continue my 2D's work.. so tml I can enjoy her bday party! =)

You're Shopping @

10:48 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Double Chocolate Chip
let mi think.. since when is e last time I attend e thurs lesson.. for attending e full day, which is ard 1 month ago? I guess so.. actually I m working today.. but lots of MC to submit.. so back to sch.. =)

lesson as usual.. sch ended at 6pm for today.. went back hm for dinner.. n den started to make ice cream again.. tis time is double chocolate chip ice cream..

chocolate.. here I come!!

hmm.. not sweet enough.. next time must add more suger n add more coco.. tats all for today.. after slacking so long, I think its time for mi to start doing my 2D works already.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:43 PM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Present Hunting For Agnes
ytd meet up wif ren after my class.. went up his hse to for dinner.. den bought e mixture (which we have make last sunday) to my hse.. pour it into e ice cream maker to freeze it.. e taste is super weird.. it is abit of sour n sweet..

hmm.. lets tok abt today.. our lecturer, leo isnt here to brief us on our final project.. anyway during our dec holiday, we need to create a wearable head structure.. have to do some research n get ideas as early as possible..

so class ended at 5pm which is earlier den usual.. ren came down to meet mi.. dinner at burger king.. its present hunting time! we went Bugis Junction, Suntec City n Marina Square.. finally found something suitable for agnes..

from Chomel

purple-shiny hair clip

as chong sae, she likes those shiny-shiny things.. her fav colour is purple.. n notice tat she likes to clip her hair up.. so we have found tis at Chomel! hope she likes it.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:33 PM

Monday, November 3, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Wonder - Self
lesson as usual.. but have come to e end of e first semester.. we r asked to do a project abt Wonder - Self.. two pages of mindmapping, sketches, tests, research n many other processes.. some of my classmates have done almost finished already.. but I m still stuck at doing e Unity (which is past few weeks' work)..

so sad.. will I survived in e review week? but no matter wad.. I wun give up! cos at least I have try my best!! =)

You're Shopping @

9:25 PM

Sunday, November 2, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Bad Weather
was ready for Wild Wild Wet.. reached Pasir Ris at ard 1 plus.. while waiting for ren, I went to their library n borrow some book for ice cream maker.. after 1 hour plus, finally he reached.. but my dear mr. sunny did not wait for us.. n here comes e rain.. raining heavily..

waited for awhile.. e rain did not get any smaller.. so decided to go his hse to make ice cream by following e book.. bought strawberries, kiwis, black pepper n lemon for e ingredients at FairPrice.. after e mixture is done, den realise tat we really need e ice cream maker although we tried many ways to freeze it.. nvm.. next week den continue.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:55 PM

Saturday, November 1, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My Babies
bought harry n pinky for nail cutting.. spending e whole day wif my babies.. took lots of their cute photos..

waiting to go out

still waiting..

nail cutting

now its my turn.. its bathing time!

waiting for pinky to bath

lastly.. home sweet home.. zzZ

enough of tat.. have to continue to do my artist research.. n my 2D work as many as possible.. so boring!! -.-''

You're Shopping @

9:55 PM

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