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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
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Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
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Boon Sun
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Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
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Marcomedia Fireworks

Friday, October 31, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Halloween Night
actually worked till 5pm.. but bcos ren was late again.. so I stayed at my workplace for OT since have to wait for him.. in e end we reached Night Safari for our Halloween Night at 7 plus..

bought e tickets at $22 each.. den e journey begins.. dark skies wif scary characters lurking around waiting for u.. stop some of my fav characters to take photos before we go inside..

it begins wif e vampire

with e pumpkin men

e wicked witch.. I m acting scared! -.-

we went through the Forest Giant Trial n inside there is the Bridge of Hell.. actually it wasnt tat scary mainly is bcos ppl in front of us was screaming when those "things" appear, so we knew something was there..

be warned of e unexpected!

e cute mummy

but except for one thing.. n tat e Bridge of Hell.. this bridge really freak mi out.. while u walking along, u will hear a "women" screaming plus those sound effect.. wad really scare mi is e chinese vampire..

welcome to e Bridge of Hell..

e chinese vampire trying to scared other ppl

finally we finished our journey at ard 11pm.. continued taking photos wif them before e party end.. took train back to Bukit Batok.. n den supper at Mac..

e evil clown trying to kill mi n I m still smiling away.. OMG!

outside e haunted hse

supper time!!

overall I did enjoyed myself for e whole Halloween Night Party.. but something happened after tat.. we didnt tok to each other when he acc mi back hm.. for out of e sudden, I jus dunno how to face him.. is it normal to get jealous or sad when he treat other gals quite gd? he sae tat no ppl ask mi to see those msg.. so is he means tat I have no right for anything? now den I understand how "important" I m to u.. I shall wake up from now..

cos nth is forever.. not even ur love..

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Withdraw - Success
will be working for my whole Independent Study week (till tis fri).. ming ordered mos burger for our lunch.. finished work at 5.30pm.. ren waited for mi at e bus stop as usual.. den we took chevron shuttle bus to IMM..

my dinner!!

after tat took train to Orchard.. meet alicia n her boss for e insurance thing again.. chatted for ard one hour.. in e end, we managed to get back e money.. so tired.. dun feel like going anywhere else.. so went hm quite early today.. o ya.. ytd did try chocolate ice cream.. is quite successful but I think not sweet enough.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:13 PM

Monday, October 27, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Butterfly Lovers
firstly Happy Deepavali!! tis week is also our Independent Study weeks.. so no sch for tis week.. today, meet up wif reeve at Bukit Batok.. n alighted at City Hall.. bought our movie ticket first.. watching Butterfly Lovers.. e timing we bought is 9.15pm.. so.. we had plenty of time for shopping!! =)

went Marina Square den to Suntec City for quite a number of times today.. dinner at Thai Express.. received a call from luvina n she sae tat their hamsters jus gave birth to 5 pups.. hmm.. so will be taking 2 from them tml.. bought some stuffs for our hamsters.. had spent ard $98.00..

bath house for hamsters

hamsters' food dish


e hamster's hm.. but haven build properly yet..

after tat slack awhile.. he had his Coffeebean while I went to Carrefour to but my ingredients for e chocolate ice cream.. den finally e show started..

Life is fleeting as the butterfly, beautiful yet transient. As legends has it, a pair of butterfly lovers reappears once more after having gone through three lifetimes of repeated pain and tears.

This time, they find each other in the world of martial arts. Liang is highly skilled in martial arts and resides in the mountains. When his master tasks him to take care of Zhu, a girl from a wealthy family who disguises as guy to herself from revenge, it sparks off the painful journey that they must go through once again.

Zhus father, in order to pay the kindness shown to him, has betrothed her to a General Ma, although Zhu is in love with Liang. Love can fester into hate in some while in the selected few, it can lead to undying love that survives one lifetime after

hmm.. wad a sad show.. but wu chun is very handsome!! e show is ard 1 hr 43 mins.. ends at 11pm.. luckily still gt train to Bukit Batok.. o ya.. must thanks reeve for sending mi hm, for e hamsters' stuffs, for e dinner n movie treat.. I had a great day..thanks!! =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Sunday, October 26, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

No Pets Are Allowed?
having dinner at grandparent's hse for today.. mi n my bro bought harry n pinky along since they were feeling so bored at hm.. while on our way, boarding e bus, e bus driver keep looking at e bag.. den he stopped us.. he asked us wad is inside e bag.. n we didnt ans him..


wad e.. wad is e problem wif him??!!! they arent barking n arent hand carried.. cant he jus closed one eye? nvm.. so we waited for e nxt bus.. hmm.. yup.. after dinner, we went back hm..

vanilla ice cream

was trying my ice cream maker n made a vanilla ice cream using those ingredients I have bought ytd.. actually e taste is alright.. but e colour abit weird.. it looks like more yellowish.. nvm.. will try it one more time when I m free.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:46 PM

Saturday, October 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Ice Cream Maker
its shopping time!! wif my family n aunt (mum's side).. alight at Somerset.. mum n aunt had their great time at OG.. had our lunch n continued shopping..

forget tat today is Saturday.. its so crowded at Plaza Singapura.. bought some ingredients at Carrefour.. den went to Best Denki.. bought a $92.00 ice cream maker!! =)

from Philips..

book of recipe..

e ice cream maker!! =)

walked all e way back to The Centrepoint.. hoping to find vanilla bean at Cold Storage.. but nobody noes wad is a vanilla bean.. omg.. no choice.. gave up on finding it.. went hm after tat.. ^^v

You're Shopping @

10:51 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

was in 8am shift.. was working wif tis gal called, charlotte from IPAM.. onli for today I think.. cos serene was on leave from 24th to 30th oct..

finished work at 5pm.. ren was waiting for mi outside e bus stop.. took train to Orchard.. dinner at Food Republic.. den meet up alicia for e insurance stuff.. cos wanna withdraw.. so hopefully can get back e money.. having a quick window-shopping at Far East Plaza before we took train back.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:18 PM

Thursday, October 23, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

No Regret
went to sch tis morning.. omg!! I rmb e last time I step into e class is last wed.. hmm.. e lesson is abt Sketch Up which is something like 3D Max.. I missed e first lesson.. so.. trying to figure out how it works.. our lecturer wans us to create two structures, one robot, one handphone.. ='(

skipped e other two lessons.. went hm after tat.. wanted to do my work.. but.. ended up fall a slp..

I was there thinking.. wad happened to mi?? I m so stressed right now.. I wanted to pass my foundation year.. but.. it seems so difficult.. so y should I waste my time?? if I fail my assessment week, I will jus simply quit n do something else.. cos no point.. if I fail, I have to repeat e whole year again.. hmm.. jus hope tat I wun regret on any decision I have make.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:51 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Bro!
having my revision at BBDC for ytd.. today having Practical Test at 11.45am.. warm-up time is 10.45am.. very sad n disappointed of myself.. my first course is Vertical Parking.. for e first time, I knocked down e pole.. for e second time, e car when in, but.. I used more than 3 mins.. den e tester told mi, "Immediate Fail".. -.-"

test slip

total I get for my demerit point is 44.. n 2 immediate fail.. so sad.. dunno wads went wrong.. maybe too nervous?? hmm.. nvm.. anyway my next test date is next month.. more time for mi to practice..

almost forgot.. today is my dearest bro's birthday!! no celebration.. cos postpone to next week I think.. after tat meet ren at Ang Mo Kio.. bought a pair of boots to cheer myself up!! =)

its from Vana.. two colours, brown n black onli.. brown is nicer n e design is more obvious too.. yawn.. tired.. tired.. nightz.. nightz.. zzZ

You're Shopping @

11:15 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

dear.. sometimes I was wondering.. wad happened if u r gone.. how can I live without u? although I m missing u right now.. but.. understand tat u r tired.. so.. spent ur whole day slping.. swt dream.. <3

suddenly, outside was raining so heavily.. n my house was so dark.. once again, I was alone at hm.. hmm.. nt really alone.. cos I still have my pinky n harry wif mi.. got to do my 2D assignment soon.. =)

You're Shopping @

4:28 PM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Jigsaw Puzzle
dun feel like shopping today.. jus wanna be wif him.. went to BBDC for my revision before to his hse.. brought two dvd, Money Not Enough 2 n 10 Promises To My Dog.. I cried while watching 10 Promises To My Dog.. cant imagine when harry n pinky isnt ard anymore.. ='(

dinner at his hse.. after tat, begin our jigsaw puzzle.. his mum joined in too.. 1000 pieces.. gonna fall aslp soon.. kambate! =)

so much of them.. when will we finish it?


ren send mi hm ard 10 plus.. "hmm.. cant wait to see e complete picture.. gonna hang e puzzle at my room once it is done.." =)

You're Shopping @

11:45 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Where Is My Confident?
my second day of work.. ren meet mi at Jurong East after my work.. had our dinner first.. den to BBDC for my revision..

test date getting nearer n nearer.. seriously.. I have no confident of passing yet.. how?? HOW?? hmm.. =(

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

White High Heels
MC for today.. wanna have a rest.. went to Sunshine Plaza to print out my pic for e journal.. after tat bought a pair of high heels shoe from Westmall..

white is nicer

wads my baby doing there? ^^

spend e rest of my time for today jus to do my doing work.. gonna touch up my sketchbook.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:54 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Final - 3D Egg Project
tues (14/10):

continued to edit e structure at ren's hse after my Drawing lesson.. we have to untie everything.. cos only one material for joining is allowed.. but we used two, string n glue..

even chong helped out.. thanks!

string all over e place..

using string instead of glue

my final structure

wed (15/10):

fall aslp at 1 plus.. while he went down to test throw.. thanks god.. finally we succeeded.. have a gd slp till 6am.. den went back hm to do my presentation board n some research for my sketchbook..

took cab to sch.. lecturer leo sae today no need to submit e presentation board n e sketchbook.. dotz! waste my time n money.. =(

e place where our structure will be landed

level one, two n three

lets start throwing!

*pray* pls dun let e egg break..

e survivor

e failure

although my structure cannot survive for e second level.. but at least I gt a pass for it.. poor thing.. my structure broke until like tis..

out of shape

egg yolk all over e place

e inner part

after sch, meet up wif ren.. bought a gel from Dr Steven Ang clinic.. feel like eating Lor Mee.. so walked all e way to e Bukit Merah market.. but it closed.. ended up have KFC for our dinner instead..

two piece n zinger burger

bought a eye leash glue at Westmall.. finally tonight we can have a gd rest bcos its all over now.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:17 PM

Monday, October 13, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Lantern Egg Saver
went for my morning Lecture first.. den rushed to Dr Steven Ang Clinic to buy my cleansing gel.. cos my pimples r getting more n more =(

spent $123.00 for it

rushed back to sch again for 2D lesson.. today lesson is so boring.. went off early to ren's hse.. continued e 3D Egg assignment.. so TIRED..

e "wall" of e box

e egg will be inside e smaller box


finally its done.. but when we do e testing, there r still a little crack on e egg.. nvm.. tml den continued.. see wad goes wrong.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:56 PM

Saturday, October 11, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Art Fair 2008
a trip to e Art Fair for today, a visual treat from 110 art galleries.. which is at Suntec City Convention Hall.. free pass for student..

after tat, did some shopping at Marina Square.. I bought one blouse n one dress from Chao.. den had our dinner at Burger King.. wanted to buy a micky mouse puzzle since a few week ago.. left not much stock.. in e end, ren went in to e Jigsaw Puzzle World n bought tat for mi.. it cost him $80 plus..

1000 pieces

thanks dear!! <3

You're Shopping @

11:15 PM

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