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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


♥ 1 Songs Currently Playing ♥


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Monday, September 29, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Colourful Monday
went for e Lecture in e morning which is started at 9.30am.. but I reached at 10 plus.. after tat walked all e way to da jie's house.. his hamsters n their hse is sooo cute!!

their home

e cute ham ham

poor cutie being squash by da jie

waiting for luvina to reach.. den have our lunch at Burger King.. back to sch again.. having 2D lesson..

does e colour look alike?

yup.. tats e end of it.. colour.. colour.. colour!!! =)

You're Shopping @

10:40 PM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I now damn fed up!!!! If u dun feel like coming, can u sae so??? HOW MANY TIMES MUST I REPEAT MY WORDS????!!!!!! U always making mi till no mood den sae, WADS E POINT? if u wan to slp den SLP FOR UR WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!

You're Shopping @

12:02 PM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Two More Job Interviews
so BORING!! hmm.. today is e third day n Swarovski Crystal haven call mi.. can give up n look for other job already.. =(

after his work, ren acc mi to sch.. stayed at foundation room to finish up e colour chart.. but.. halfway, went to Sunshine Plaza for our dinner.. den back to his work place, bcos manager asked them for food tasting..

went for two interviews.. first is Haagen-Dazs which at Esplanade.. they asked mi to collect their uniform at monday.. but their pay is $5 per hour.. second interview is Waraku at Marina Square.. their pay is also $5 per hour.. which job should I take?? sigh.. =(

You're Shopping @

11:21 PM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

its rainy day.. its a gd weather for mi to slp in e morning.. but need to go back to sch for Drawing make-up lesson.. so pathetic.. onli 9 ppl turn-up..

lunch wif ho gai n kai.. was laughing all e way while eating.. "你们的绿茶有什么brand的?" n e person who is serving us is like full of question marks.. -.-"

after tat went to Fullerton to wait for ren.. spent his 3 hours break at Starbucks Coffee..

went hm after tat.. have to rush my 2D's work!! =)

You're Shopping @

9:56 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Disaster Movie
today is Spider's 21st Birthday!! meet up at Long John Silver.. suppose we watching 3.10pm show.. so rush.. so bought 5pm tickets.. spent tis 2 hours at Ben & Jerry's.. eating ice cream n cake..

Banana Split

surprise.. surprise!

yeah.. happy birthday =)

trying very hard to cut it

cut until like tat?


five babes

having Disaster Movie at Grand Cathay..

In Disaster Movie, the filmmaking team behind the hits Scary Movie, Date Movie, Epic Movie and Meet The Spartans this time puts its unique, inimitable stamp on one of the biggest and most bloated movie genres of all time --the disaster film.

Taking aim at everything and everyone, from Indiana Jones and Iron Man to Amy Winehouse and High School Musical, Disaster Movie lampoons the blockbuster movie, pop culture icons and public figures along the way as Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer satirize everything as only they can.

dinner first.. after tat to Ambrosia.. which is some where at Baghdad Street..

at Ambrosia

any lighter for mi?

kai, mi n madeleine


funny faces

went off ard 10.30pm.. shared cab wif madeleine.. enjoyed e fun wif them!! btw.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! =)

You're Shopping @

11:26 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Swarovski Crystal Interview
its Independent Study weeks again.. having driving lesson at 8am.. two more lesson to go.. omg.. so tired.. after tat.. having an interview at Alexandra Road.. part-time needed at Swarovski Crystal.. having a hard time finding Delta House.. plus e weather.. its super super hot!! as usual.. wait for their call.. my performance during e interview isnt tat gd.. so I guess.. ...

luckily there is a direct bus to Bugis.. cos I dun wan to walk back under e hot sun@@ back to sch wif kai, geric n aivy.. trying to finish up my 2D.. tats really alot =(

You're Shopping @

10:06 PM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Kallang Leisure Park
appointment at 9.30am wif alicia n ren at Borders.. its all abt insurance.. chatted for abt 2 hours..

had our lunch together before she went back to her office.. after tat, both of us headed to Kallang.. we waited ard 50 mins for e shuttlebus to Kallang Leisure Park.. I think will be much more convenience when their new MRT station is ready..

national stadium

viewing e sea <3

nice view

some random pic

e sun

on our way

walked to Suntec City.. something wrong wif mi!!!! I can shop until suddenly no mood.. n he keep cheering mi up.. but my bad temper make everything worst.. I cried.. but feel better in e end.. =/

You're Shopping @

10:42 PM

Saturday, September 20, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Tagger Bag
havent been to Vivocity for awhile.. nth changes.. I asked my mum n aunt if e Guess wallet is nice anot.. since most of them sae not nice, so I decided not to buy it..

saw tis lovely dress at BYSI.. three colour for mi to choose.. green, purple or black.. in e end, I bought black..

so sweet

gt a bag at Tagged for my brother cos his bday is coming soon.. it is shared by ming, wy n mi.. I choose Tagger Spraypaint Stripe for e flap, Bling Silver colour for e base n Dutch Orange for e strap.. thanks to e promotion, I get a free flap.. tats yellow..

overall, it look like this..

so.. wad abt this? hope he likes it =)

I had tom yum seafood, fried olyster n a bit of fried prawn noodle for my dinner.. its so full.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:39 PM

Friday, September 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Mirrors Again
meet up wif yi kai cos I forget e way to Singapore Art Museum.. today our lesson held there..

n.. I m going to draw tis..

lunch at Kopitiam.. den watch movie wif geric, kai, jo, kelvin n aivy.. watched Mirrors at Grand Cathay again.. wanted to buy a wallet from Guess.. but all of them sae not nice.. nvm.. so moved on to Far East Plaza.. geric's frenz, madeleine joined us.. having Long John Silver for our dinner..

after tat to Parklane for a little drink n shisha smoke (first time).. aivy's frenz sent us hm ard 11 plus =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

woke up very early.. preparing for sch.. while I m on my way, thinking my works nt done yet.. so u-turn back..

brought dao suan for ren n waited for him to finish his work.. caught a movie at Grand Cathay.. watched Mirrors..

An ex-cop turned night security guard at a long-closed department store ravaged by fire discovers that the stores mirrors harbor a horrific secret that threatens him and his family.

went Far East.. he bought a earring at Xcraft.. nth much for today =)

You're Shopping @

10:51 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

张震岳 - 思念是一种病

lyrics :







oh 思念是一种病
oh 思念是一种病一种病


You're Shopping @

10:53 PM

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Proportion Drawing
tats wad I have to draw

wanted to finish e drawing in sch.. but dunno y.. didnt have e mood to draw.. so went Yishun to find ren for dinner.. slack.. both of us bought t-shirt from Esprit.. den tok for an hour.. feel better after tat.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:03 PM

Sunday, September 14, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Mooncake Festival
I think for e first time we meeting so early.. he is picking mi up at 10.30am.. n he is earlier den mi.. bring my babies for nail cutting at Holland V.. den bring them back again..

cute pinky

where is harry boi?

went alot of place in between.. Khatib to pick alex, Yishun to pick chong, Ubi for chong's bike lesson, lunch at Geylang den back to yishun for returning..

actually today our main purpose is a trip to Chinese Garden for celebrating e Mooncake Festival.. tis year’s Lantern Fantasy at Chinese Garden features displays feature Sanrio characters such as Hello Kitty, Dear Daniel, My Melody, Bad Badtz-Maru, Pom Pom Purin, Minna No Tabo, Keroppi n Cinnamoroll participating in various sporting races.. n fireworks too!!

world of Sanrio characters

its party time!!

playing candles while waiting for fireworks

hua, ren, alex n mi ^^

having tis curry rice first.. so hungry..

on e bridge

here comes My Melody

but e sad thing is.. jun hua need to go off early.. he missed e fireworks!! hmm.. on our way back, saw something cute.. they will change seven colours.. alex bought one n ren bought mi three of them..

Stitch, Kitty n My Melody

changing colour

back to Bukit Batok.. playing candles, playing sparklers n making sparklers rocket.. causes e place so smoky.. but its so fun.. thanks!! I m soo happy today =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Friday, September 12, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Bangkok Dangerous
sch ended at 12pm.. rushed down to e family clinic to see Dr Steven Ang again.. as he wanted to check how is it.. anyway its recovering.. tats gd.. but need to finish up e medicine..

waited for ren to finish his work.. went to Plaza Singapura.. Thai Express for today..

my Thai Laksa with Seafood in Yellow Gravy

his Prawn Omelete Rice

after tat had movie at Grand Cathay.. watched Bangkok Dangerous..

The life of an anonymous assassin takes an unexpected turn when he travels to Thailand to complete a series of contract killings. Joe (Nicolas Cage), a remorseless hitman, is in Bangkok to execute four enemies of a ruthless crime boss named Surat. He hires Kong (Shahkrit Yamnarm), a street punk and pickpocket, to run errands for him with the intention of covering his tracks by killing him at the end of the assignment.

Strangely, Joe, the ultimate lone wolf, instead finds himself mentoring the young man while simultaneously being drawn into a tentative romance with a local shop girl. As he falls further under the sway of Bangkok's intoxicating beauty, Joe begins to question his isolated existence and let down his guard... just as Surat decides it's time to clean house.

You're Shopping @

11:14 PM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Super Super Tired
well, its abit sad after knowing my grade for our photography project is C.. maybe try harder?

watching some student's pocket film for I-Studies.. n teaching us how to make a gd pocket film.. I had some ideas in my mind.. but.. hope I wun be lazy =)

dinner n time for mi to slp.. now is onli 9pm.. n i m super super tired.. eyes r closing soon.. gd nightz everyone!!

You're Shopping @

8:56 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

My Sassy Girl
CCS for e first lesson.. as usual, half of e class attend for tat lesson.. went for some printing during our lunch break.. rushing our presentation board for final 3D project.. cos today is e deadline..

my presentation board

having 3D presentation among our n other class for today.. 2 groups from each class.. jeremy's group n diana's work have been selected to present.. well done!!

jeremy's group

diana individual work

our first project for 3D is finally over.. its time for us to relax abit!! celebrating yi kai's 18th birthday..

its us again!!

happy birthday, yi kai!!

after dinner, had a movie wif geric, yi kai, ho gai, jeremy ding n geric's frenz at Grand Cathay.. n we watched My Sassy Girl..

Straight-laced Charlie Bellow (Jesse Bradford) has a perfectly predictable life. Great grades, great future, no risks. That is, until he meets Jordan Roark (Elisha Cuthbert), a compulsive girl who lives every moment on the edge. As Jordan teaches Charlie to loosen up and let go, Charlie finds himself falling helplessly in love even as his life spins out of control. But Jordans carefree attitude masks a painful secret, and when it threatens to tear them apart, Charlie will have to show her that once destiny guides you to the one you want, its up to you to hold on.

agreed wif them.. korean one is nicer!! =)

You're Shopping @

11:41 PM

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