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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
Email Me : Click Here


Number 8
Pink, Black, White
Hello Kitty
Taiwan, Korea
Chihuahua, Pomeranian



Online Shopping!!

Boon Sun
Ho Gai
Jun Hao
Jun Hua
Luo Ling
Si Jun
Siew Li
Tian Tian


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Designer: Agnes
Base Code: Tammy
Image: Enakei
Image Host: Photobucket
Others: Imeem , Cbox , Dorischu ,
Marcomedia Fireworks

Sunday, August 31, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Death Race Again
meet up wif ren, jun hua n alex.. wanted to go National Museum but lazy to do work.. so ended up watching Death Race again at Grand Cathay..

jun hua being "aim" by alex n ren today.. both of them "shoot" him till he gt nth to sae.. haha.. poor thing..

recently I feel something goes wrong.. e feeling is like.. nt e same as before.. do u feel it?? or maybe is I think too much..

You're Shopping @

11:28 PM

Friday, August 29, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Somebody.. Please?

ppl do told mi to cherish wad u have now.. yes.. seriously, I do.. recently we hardly get to see each other.. bz wif our own stuff.. today, I jus wan to have a beautiful day wif u.. is tat so difficult? but something have spoiled e plan of my day which I really cannot accept tat.. especially I have waited for so long..

I needed someone to tok to.. but.. I cant find any of them.. not even my close frenz.. =(

You're Shopping @

10:07 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Meet Dave
was thinking to do a bit of my work.. glad to received geric's call.. cos its movie time!! watched a comedy show at Grand Cathay - Meet Dave

Dave Ming Chang (Eddie Murphy), newly arrived in New York City, may be the ultimate fish out of water. There's something about him that's not quite right for starters, he seems remarkably out of place and uncomfortable in his own body. And for good reason: "Dave" is not a man at all, but a ship made in the image of its miniature-sized captain. It's Eddie Murphy in Eddie Murphy in "Meet Dave."

being brought to a shop.. tats Ambush.. while yi kai, geric n ho gai was happily shopping, I was there thinking.. their clothes cost abt $100 plus before discount n yi kai bought one t-shirt for $91? WHY??! why will they buy such an expensive clothes.. as they explained.. from japan? materials r gd? therefore, I still dun get it.. =)

relaxing, fooling ard, pics-time n having some small chatting session at Starbucks Coffee..

geric n e playful kai

dinner at Raman Ten (Far East Plaza).. having a hard time to finish up.. forgetting tat still having a bad cough n I ordered a spicy one!

e side dish

where is e food??!!

my strawberry soda


can we eat now?? e food is here!!

yeah!! finally..

as they sae e night is still young.. so have a drink wif the three of them at IndoChine.. I like tat place.. I mean compare to those noisy pub, I prefer here..

drink, drank, drunk


smiling away..

r u guys still awake?

love tis pic!!

last pic before we went hm

surprisingly, ren n alex waited for mi at Bukit Batok Station.. hmm.. have a long long day for today.. nightz everyone! =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Why Arts?
everything was fine tis morning.. but things went wrong in e afternoon.. my dear classmates.. forget it.. dun wish to mention it again.. hope everyone will have a gd rest during tis four days?

well, I was thinking should I quit tis sch? first, I couldnt catch up wads going on in e lesson.. second, too much homework.. third, I dun even have talent in art! work is already piling up.. more n more works.. more n more projects.. I rmb once.. my CCS teacher asked.. why arts? seriously, I have no idea.. jus following my feeling?

I noe I should be start doing my works n stop complaining!! but.. wad to do? everyone is getting tired I guess.. same goes for mi.. thanks god tat I have these classmates wif mi as we r comfortable with each other for communication n having fun..

poor derek.. jus bcos today I was a little moody.. he acc mi for my dinner n bring mi to beautiful place which is somewhere at Tiong Bahru..

so.. once again, thanks for everything.. as it's only the beginning for this 3 year trip, I will try to stay strong n stop emo-ing.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:23 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Library Brief
surprisingly ppl did notice my hair, n asking mi if I had cut it.. yes.. indeed.. I jus feel kinda of nerd after my fringe trimmed.. not used to it yet.. =(

having tis library briefing early in e morning.. 3D discussion after tat.. dinner wif ren n alex in Qi Ji.. den back for e discussion.. first time in sch till 11pm.. n thanks jo for e red bull =)

You're Shopping @

11:57 PM

Monday, August 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Independent Study
thanks da jie joshua, for sending mi to sch n thanks for e Mac breakfast!! actually starting today, for e whole week is Independent Study.. but bcos of 2D make-up lesson, we came back..

rushing my 2D's works for e very last mins.. negative comments from our lecturer of cos..

had my fringe trimmed at Beauty World.. dinner wif ren at Five Star Kampong Chicken Rice.. =)

half chicken n lotus root soup

back hm after tat.. more n more homeworks!!! argh!!!!

You're Shopping @

11:13 PM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

meet up wif ren at yishun.. he pass mi a gift from chong n agnes.. suppose to be my bday present..

shopping at Takashimaya n Wisma.. bought some colour paper at Art Friend.. den bought some fake eyelashes at Sasa before Alex n his friend join us.. lastly I gt myself a T-shirt at Espirit..

after awhile, alex n his frenz went off first.. den we headed to Chinatown for dinner..

fishy.. fishy for our dinner!!

e present:

wif wrapper

its.. a wooden jewelry box!

thanks chong n agnes for e present!! its so sweet n cute.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Friday, August 22, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Death Race
meeting yi kai n e rest at Dhoby Ghaut.. lesson for today is at somewhere ard SMU.. all we need to draw is tree, I think.. for e 3 hours lesson, I was having breakfast n chatting wif si jun.. didnt do any work at all..

mi n si jun

went lunch wif my classmates.. den watching movie at Plaza Singapura wif geric, yi kai n kelvin.. watching - Death Race

Three-time speedway champion Jensen Ames (Statham) is an expert at survival in the harsh landscape that has become our country. Just as he thinks he has turned his life around, the ex-con is framed for a gruesome murder he didn't commit. Forced to don the mask of the mythical driver Frankenstein -- a crowd favorite who seems impossible to kill -- Ames is given an easy choice by Terminal Island's warden (Joan Allen): suit up or rot away in a cell. His face hidden by a metallic mask, one convict will be put through an insane three-day challenge.

Ames must survive a gauntlet of the most vicious criminals in the country's toughest prison to claim the prize of freedom. Driving a monster car outfitted with machine guns, flamethrowers and grenade launchers, one desperate man will destroy anything in his path to win the most twisted spectator sport on Earth.

after tat went Art Friend to buy some materials.. found out tat I had lots more to catch up.. my work is getting more n more.. so tired.. better start doing now! =(

"Bernard!!! I m so so sry for today.. dun mean to leave u alone =("

You're Shopping @

11:53 PM

Thursday, August 21, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

had photography lesson at e morning.. staying back n continued doing during e one hour break, manage to finish up everything.. n thanks bernard! he buy lunch for mi =)

having an outing during PPD lesson.. went to e Singapore Art Museum..

e arts:

presenting my class, VS1N:

our class together wif Bridget Haworth

child abuse.. lol

joel n mi

tats bernard, kai n mi

skip sch huh?!

camera is over here!!

geric n mi

haha.. wad u guys doing?

kai sucks??

back to sch for I-Studies.. combine wif other class, taking photos from our clothes black to white..

our class from black to white

jump.. jump!!

combine wif other class

watching movie at Grand Cathay wif kai, geric, joel, bernard, jeremy, dicky, sherrie, jessie n her frenz.. a horror show - 4bia

Pim is a flight attendant assigned to fly solo on a charter flight with the Princess of Khurkistan. What was supposed to be an ordinary flight turns into something more turbulent when the princess dies due to an allergic reaction to something she ate. The royal house of Khurkistan request that he body be sent back immediately for royal cremation. The airline reschedules Pim to be on duty on what is known in the flying industry as a quick turn flight. Now Pim must endure the passenger less flight alone with the dead body of the princess. But is she really alone?

e show is onli 120 mins.. actually it combining 4 horror short films.. but e most scary one is abt e flight attendant.. so fun watching wif them.. cos I heard ppl shouting!! =p

having my char keay teow

after tat having supper.. they r hungry.. but ended up onli I eating.. n finally home sweet home.. its going to 11 plus now.. gonna slp soon.. nightz =)

You're Shopping @

11:35 PM

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

3D's Project - Completed!
after sch, almost e whole class stay back to complete e 3D's project.. our group members we had yoses, dicky, geric n mi.. using 3 hours to finish..

its a car!

dinner wif geric, yi kai, jeremy, jessie n her frenz at Long John Silver.. den bernard n kelvin joined in.. after tat hm n conference wif jeremy n bernard.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:55 PM

Monday, August 18, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Chatting!
as usual 4 hr 30 mins break for monday.. actually wanted to meet my da jie joshua for breakfast.. but my 3D's group mates wanted to discuss abt e projects.. sorry da jie!! =(

photos time!!~

jessie & mi

li yi, jessie & mi

n tats.. mi & li yi!!

after sch, dinner wif li yi, vivian, diana n jeremy.. den I n jeremy went off first.. n acc mi till Outram Park.. wasnt feeling gd today.. a bit moody.. but.. nvm.. was on phone wif da jie now.. lata will be bernard.. guess will tok for long long hours.. so.. happy chatting!~ =)

You're Shopping @

11:58 PM

Sunday, August 17, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

A Random Gathering
stayed overnight wif frenz at da jie joshua's hse..

sat (16/08):

for e whole afternoon was doing some research for my 2D's work.. till da jie joshua called.. asking mi wanna stay overnight n join them for majong anot.. so meet up at 5 plus.. went to Ikea (Tampines) for dinner first..

den did some shopping at Ikea.. I cried so suddenly.. but at least I felt better.. da jie was stunned by my tears n trying to cheer mi up.. thanks da jie! u nv fail to make mi happy =)

went to Giant.. bought some drinks n snacks.. after tat to his hse.. watched tv, have some snacks den played Big 2.. yup.. we had durians too! while they are playing majong, I continued my 2D's works n was on phone for almost 2 hours wif kelvin.. shared e room wif luvina since I was afraid of e dark.. n we slpt at 4am..

sun (17/08):

wake da jie up since I m hungry.. we went downstairs n bought some breakfast.. played Puzzle Bobble, Puzzle Fighter n Bomberman before we had our lunch at Burger King.. den his frenz n cousin went back first.. o ya.. bought a paint brush n chinese ink at Art Friend.. followed by dinner which is somewhere near luvina's hse.. after tat he sent mi hm =)

You're Shopping @

11:48 PM

Friday, August 15, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Day
woke up 5am.. meeting jeremy n bernard at Funan.. having breakfast wif them at mac before our lesson start.. today lesson held at Esplanade.. its was fun.. bernard n I keep laughing all e way while drawing.. we r crazy =)

I choose tis view for my drawing

didnt even noe bernard took tis pic until he showed it to mi..

lesson ended at 12pm.. was super hungry.. went to Marina Square.. having our lunch at Yoshinoya wif jeremy, bernard n kelvin.. actually wanted to join vivian n diana for KTV.. but I find it abit ex, which is ard $22 per person.. n as for movie, not much show for today..

kelvin n mi

n tis is jeremy (e sleepy ones.. opps!)

bernard, forget to take pics wif u!! was taking some pics wif them while waiting for yi kai, jo n geric.. so e seven of us sitting there planning wad to do next.. after a long discussion, playing pool is our decision.. den my da jie, joshua came.. was slacking at e Starbucks Coffee.. after tat to Suntec.. he bring mi for waffle which is at Cottage Waffle Place.. yup.. it taste simply delicious.. sitting n chatting in tat cosy interior wif our durian waffle n a glass of rose fruit drink making mi relax.. next, to Millenia Walk n lastly back to Marina Square again.. acc him to arcade for his game before he send mi hm.. as usual, will be his in car for a chat before I leave..

all my problems r gone n feeling so happy wif u guys.. having a great great day today!! thank you.. thank you.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:12 PM

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