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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
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Thursday, July 31, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Orientation 2008
yup.. jus came hm from orientation at my new sch n tats Lasalle College of the Arts!

meet diana at Bugis mrt station n went to sch together.. e orientation start at 8.30am.. first, to e basement for e registration.. next, our senior will bring us for a campus tour.. den follow by a talk abt introduction to faculties for ard 2 hours..

actually until 1.30pm is our lunch break.. but dun wish to participate their game.. so we left n went to Bugis Junction.. had our Pepper Lunch.. after tat saw shu min den joan.. hold a short conversation wif them..

hmm.. 3 more days to go.. ..

You're Shopping @

10:35 PM

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

River City Restaurant
continued my Autocar Practical Training (AT1.02).. completed! cos onli gt two lesson for tat.. n finally I have booked my Practical Test which is on 21 Oct.. no worries! meanwhile I can have much revision as possible =)

went to Ang Mo Kio to find ren n jun hua first.. den was slacking at Shaw House thinking where to go next.. after tat decided to have our dinner at River City Restaurant (ard Funan IT Mall) for its buffet.. tats our second times having tis dinner buffet but first time wif jun hua.. haha.. anyway $86.70 is worth it (total up for three of person).. we had shark fin, crabs, beef, fish, etc.. mostly is seafood.. so delicious.. cant rmb we eat how many rounds already.. lol.. but no pic for today.. forgot to bring my camera out.. =(

nvm.. will come back again.. next time must ask other frenz to join us! was so full now.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:03 PM

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Final Theory Test - Passed!
went for a theory practice first.. den had my Final Theory Test at 11.25am.. n I have PASSED it! so happy =)

after tat had my Autocar Practical Training (AT1.01).. must book my Practical Test as soon as possible! <3

You're Shopping @

10:14 PM

Saturday, July 26, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The X-Files: I Want to Believe
getting out of e hse at 4pm.. jun hua drive together wif ren, waiting for mi at downstairs.. before tat we planned alot of place for dinner.. but ended up we had our dinner at New York New York.. having a hard time choosing wad to eat.. bcos all looks delicious =)

when was eating halfway, I looked out.. cant believe tat I was so so unlucky.. 见到两个倒胃口的人.. still gt who?!! first, I saw clavin lim n his gf.. e most disgusting one! next I saw wei hao.. omg!!! but thanks.. jun hua tried to console mi..

went to watch e Black Knights' rehearsal.. I think tis is e second time watching it.. so beautiful.. wun get tired of it.. after tat find chong n his frenz at Marina Square.. playing pool for awhile.. den they went off.. ren had his job interview at Nike.. but will get e ans in one weeks time.. hopefully he can get in =)

on e way to Raffles City's carpark, saw james, wy n kok seng.. wad a coincidence.. next, we rushed down to Grand Cathay.. jun hua's frenz, yvonne, having tis performance at Ben & Jerry.. having tis small conversation wif her n some photos..

e video:

e photos:

finally here comes our ice cream.. tats waffle dish - mix n match wif chocolate, mint chocolate chunk n chocolate chip cookie dough..

before e movie, we jus walk ard, went in to those shop.. guess who I saw? Ben, from e Mediacorp.. I think he own e shop, .. took a pic wif him too..

e movie - The X-Files: I Want to Believe

In grand X-Files manner, the as yet untitled films storyline is being kept under wraps. This much can be revealed: It is a stand-alone story in the tradition of some of the shows most acclaimed and beloved episodes, and takes the complicated relationship between Fox Mulder (Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Anderson) in unexpected directions. Mulder continues his unshakable quest for the truth, and Scully, the passionate, ferociously intelligent physician, remains inextricably tied to Mulders pursuits.

after e movie, alex joined us.. but I m so sleepy already.. so they send mi hm first.. reached hm ard 2 plus.. think they going other place for supper.. its now midnight 3am.. time for mi to slp.. good night everyone! =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Friday, July 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

I'm Thinking Of You
went to BBDC at 8am.. completed my stage 3.. after tat went to Orchard to check out e Guess wallet.. I think is really out of stock.. ok.. I give up..

having tis "discussion" or maybe argument wif him.. was sorting abt our attitude.. but everything was fine after 4 hours later..

i'm thinking of you 我有你真好
i'm thinking of you 我有你真好

dear, no more arguments, ok? I love you.. <3

You're Shopping @

11:38 PM

Thursday, July 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Mum & Aunt!

meet up wy at Bugis together wif my mum n aunt.. having hi-tea at Nonya Cafe.. o ya.. before tat, saw amy n her gf at Bugis Junction..

eat alittle den pics again.. *snap snap* long time nv took pics wif wy already.. took alot.. but these two pics r e nicest one =)

after tat we had our shopping at Marina Square.. bought a jean at LE7.. e colour is abit brownish green..

e back

lastly down to Vivo City.. after much consideration, decided to buy e adidas jacket which is $132.00.. wy bought black one while I bought e white colour..

den aunt bought shoe at U.R.S.. so tired.. took a break at e Toast box for some coffee n tea =)

continued shopping.. went in to e Guess shop.. aunt bought a white colour bag.. not bad.. $170 plus.. mum actually wanted to buy mi a wallet as my bday present.. its e same set as e bag.. but its out of stock.. very sad =(

gt ourselves a cardigan at those push cart.. wy gt herself a black one.. mine is grey..

had a walk-in-interview at Sanrio.. but they told mi if work as a part timer n tat will be $5 per hour.. e pay is nt I wan.. but.. nvm.. as usual.. had to wait for their call first..

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6.. together there is 6 shopping bags.. so happy.. its a long time ever since I went shopping wif them.. once agin.. Happy Birthday!! =)

You're Shopping @

11:06 PM

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

The Dark Knight
meeting ren n jun hua at Braddell.. took his car.. den headed to Ang Mo Kio n take his monitor for repair at Ubi..

dinner for KFC at Bedok.. three of us ate Variety Value Meal, n when they opened e box, their face was like super disappointed.. haha.. wanted to watch movie at e Princess.. but e timing is totally out.. so went down to Grand Cathay.. n lastly, we settled down at Cineleisure..

while waiting for e show to start

The Dark Knight

In The Dark Knight, Batman raises the stakes in his war on crime. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman sets out to dismantle the remaining criminal organizations that plague the city streets. The partnership proves to be effective, but they soon find themselves prey to a reign of chaos unleashed by a rising criminal mastermind known to the terrified citizens of Gotham as the Joker.

send mi hm after e movie.. =)

You're Shopping @

11:59 PM

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Soft Reborning
having my practical training at 8am.. passed my vertical parking & e break (stage 3.07 & 3.08).. after tat went to Beauty World.. do a soft reborning n a hair cut for almost 3 hours..

before I went hm, bought my cleansing gel at e clinic which is somewhere ard Redhill.. n I found out tat Bt Merah is actually Redhill.. lol!! stupid mi =/

You're Shopping @

10:39 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Raining Day
in e morning, bought my pinky n harry for nail cutting at Holland Village's Pet Lovers Centre.. mum went wif mi cos they r too heavy for mi.. as usual, pinky does'nt wan to go hm whenever she had e chance to come out.. make mi catch her all over e place.. naughty gal.. haha..

raining for e whole day.. lazy to take umbrella out.. its really very inconvenience for mi.. wanna cancel off my practical training.. but in e end I still went for it.. passed my stage 3.06 but failed my stage 3.07 (vertical parking).. tml have to re-take again.. =)

You're Shopping @

10:52 PM

Sunday, July 20, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Belated Birthday With Dad's Side
same timing as ytd.. went out at 11am.. yawn~ having lunch wif my relatives (today is my dad's side).. btw is celebrate his belated bday..

yup.. having tis buffet lunch at Nonya Cafe.. actually e place is fully book.. but luckily after half an hour later, one of e family finished eating.. so we had their place.. n enjoy e food till 2.30pm..

ok.. enough of e foods.. was kinda nth to do while they were chatting.. so took numbers of pics..

went off after tat.. took bus to grandparent's hse.. long time nv visit them already.. den finally return back to my home.. OMG! tis two days have been eating quite alot.. better dun gain any weight.. lol.. =x

below r some of e randoms pics which I took today =)

love u, granny =)

e counter

on e way to grandparent's hse

my grandparent's dog ~ May

You're Shopping @

11:16 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Dad!

actually wanted to have lunch at Nihon Mura (日本村).. but bcos ming sae e food not so nice.. so ended up we choose Shokudo.. together wif my relatives (mum's side).. today is celebrating my dad's bday as well as my mum & my aunt's bday (mum & aunt's bday is on e same day which is 6 days later)..

the delicious foods:

e food is yummy.. I like e first one.. forget e name.. e one egg wif fried rice inside.. ok.. as u can see.. everyone stop eating already except my bro.. he ate e most! lol..

happy birthday <3

took e pics from their wall

after tat wy n ming left first.. n we went for shopping! at Marina Square den Suntec.. bought a eyelash glue from SaSa n a brown top from Bluestone Fashion.. ok.. planned to bring them to watch e Black Knights' rehearsal.. but nvm.. dun wanna squeeze wif others.. was a bit hungry.. so decided to have our dinner at Chong Qing N0. 1 Steamboat (重庆麻辣火锅).. n is really super super spicy!

e dinner stop ard 7pm.. continue shopping again.. at Bugis Junction.. so full n tired.. well, below is e last pic for today.. took it while waiting for bus.. nice? tis is National Library..

at last home sweet home.. today was quite an enjoyable day wif them.. e lunch n dinner is my treat for today.. is onli $138.00 for four of us.. I think is alright.. as long as they r happy! =)

You're Shopping @

11:15 PM

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