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Closet Mistress

PinKy WenDy.
Leo Gal.
06 August 1988 .
I Shopping :D
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Friday, May 30, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Another Rushing Day
hmm.. past few days keep going to BBDC for e practical training.. booked 2 lesson - session 2 (9.50am) & session 5 (4pm) for today.. have jus passed my stage 1.07..

in between we went to Funan IT Mall for anti-virus software.. n lunch at Raffles City food junction.. half an hour for shopping.. den rush back to BBDC again..

after tat went Vivo City.. shopping again.. went to check out a Guess bag which I saw it earlier on at Raffles City.. cos I wanted a new piece n she sae dun have.. n.. guess wad? tats alot in Vivo! nvm.. bought one..

nice? its silver n gold colour.. e price is jus onli $85.90.. consider cheap already.. I mean compare to e original price..

hmm.. bought my babies' food too.. at e pets safari.. last time I use to buy tis brand - Eukanuba, den e stuff sae if wanna eat for long terms isnt tat gd for their health.. cos inside they mixed wif lots of chemicals.. so now I try diferent brand - Royal Canin..

ok.. den home sweet home! ha! show u a cute photo of pinky ~

food food!! **drooling**

You're Shopping @

10:37 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Indiana Jones
watched a movie after tat at Westmall..

Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

With worldwide anticipation at an all time high, Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is brushing off his fedora, picking up his whip and re-uniting with some old friends to face all new enemies in INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL.

You're Shopping @

10:32 PM

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Basic Theory Test - Passed!
yup.. took half day off n have my Basic Theory Test in e afternoon.. I have passed it! tats great.. now I can finally start my first practical which is tml =)

You're Shopping @

4:26 PM

Sunday, May 25, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Accuracy of Death
watched Accuracy of Death at Suntec..

Chiba (Takeshi Kaneshiro) appears seven days before a person dies an unexpected death. His job is to observe the person for seven days, and then decide either to 'execute=death' or 'suspend=life' this person's life. Getting his work quickly out of the way, he goes to the listening booth of a CD shop and indulges in his favourite pastimes, listening to 'humanity's greatest invention' - music. He is... a Grim Reaper. Today, again, in the rain, he waits. His subject, her death due in seven days, is Kazue Fujiki (Manami Konishi), 27. She works for a manufacturing company, in the complaints department. Exhausted after her day, she emerges from her office. It's time for the Reaper to go to work.

You're Shopping @

11:47 PM

Saturday, May 24, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Birthday, Nicole & Cecilia!
firstly.. happy birthday to Nicole n aunt Cecilia.. yup.. today is Nicole bday n aunt Cecilia is 2 days later..

which is held at e Tanah Merah Safra Resort.. e place is nice n big but difficult to find.. abit "wu lu"..

the bungalow:

the birthday ones:

n finally e present.. opps.. didnt take a pic of tat.. anyway is a precious moments figure.. hope they like it.. =)

went off ard 10 plus.. his uncle insist to drive mi hm.. thanks uncle! ^^

You're Shopping @

11:18 PM

Thursday, May 22, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Finally Passed
well, tis two days was rather busy with my Basic Theory Practice & Evaluation again.. which I finally passed it! woah.. so happy.. after so many "practice".. =x

waiting for next tuesday for Basic Theory Test..

You're Shopping @

7:10 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Southern Ridges
firstly wanna wish u all a Happy Vesak Day! jus came back from Southern Ridges wif my family n relatives (tis time is my dad's side)..

from wad I noe.. if u wanna walk e whole Southern Ridges from Mount Faber Park to Clementi Woods Park, is abt 9km.. but of cos we didnt finish e whole journey =)

as e pic below is where we started at Mount Faber Park.. after a short distance, u will be able to see Marang Trail (ard 0.8km)..

eek! my dad sae leaves on virus! lol..

yupx.. we have reached e beginning of Marang Trail.. from here to e peak is 70m which is abt 24 storeys high!

yeah! we r on e top.. first stop completed!

saw e thing circle in red? its a "botak" tree.. haha.. its tall!

The Jewel Box

passed by The Jewel Box.. I think it is a place to rest n eat.. we r lost while on e way to e next stop.. actually wanted to give up.. but happened to reach e place in e end..

Henderson Waves

here we r.. well, tis Henderson Waves (0.3km), e highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore.. abt 10 storeys high? I find it rather cute as it has a unique wave-form.. ^^v

Forest Walk

here we have e Forest Walk.. but I name it as Endless Road.. e distance is 1.3km! is quite long n tirring..

e sunset before we proceed to our final stop

Alexandra Arch

n.. e final stop is Alexandra Arch.. didnt finish tis park.. heard tat is onli 0.08km.. will continue to walk next time.. I promise! =)

ok.. here r some random pics at Vivo before e trip start..

lastly.. tats mi!

You're Shopping @

10:12 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Guilin Restaurant
jus came back from a family dinner..

@ Guilin Restaurant wif my relatives (mum's side).. well.. it have being quite a long time since I sat down n had dinner wif them.. plus tat time on mother's day I didnt attend their dinner.. by e way today is my parents' special day..

Happy 23th Anniversary! wow.. hmm.. tats my parents =) muackz! anyway usually they dun really celebrate their anniversary.. jus tat today happened to have tis dinner wif my relatives.. so treat it as a celebration of their anniversary too..

lol.. lastly it stated have a nice day! yup! of cos.. I was so full.. e food was so yummy.. =)

You're Shopping @

8:59 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

so much things happened in e past few days which I dun wish to mention it again.. nvm.. life still have to go on no matter wad..

today went to BBDC.. for Basic Theory Practice & Evaluation.. I have failed.. expected.. =)

apologize for the pic as it is nt so clear.. spend 3 hours doing it.. still haven think of a name for tis necklace.. well.. I have being watching tv after tat for almost 5 hours.. jus dun feel like going out =)

You're Shopping @

10:08 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Busy Life
half day for today.. need to clear my leave before I resign =) morning nt much work to do.. was so slacking..

too free already.. so I start drawing.. first one look stupid.. I also dunno wads tat.. second one, my frenz sae cute.. n.. tats my heart! half angel, half devil.. =)

after work, while walking to NYP, someone called.. its private number..

someone: wei, wenhui.. where r u?
someone: walk pass mi also nv call mi..
mi: who r u?
someone: melvin lar..
mi: (was thinking which melvin) I was on my way to NYP to meet frenz..

I noe 3 melvin in my life.. for almost 1 hour, I keep thinking which melvin is he.. den tis time, while on my way out, I walk pass somebody who looks familiar.. tis time I gt saw him.. is melvin yeo (my sec sch classmate).. well, finally gt my ans.. lol.. -.-

watched 9pm show (变奏曲).. suddenly tot of learning karate.. n I mean it.. tis friday will check out on e community center.. omg! hmm.. busy.. busy.. busy..

You're Shopping @

11:01 PM

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Confusion State
wei hao, 老实说我是有一点喜欢你.. 当我问起我们是什么关系时,你告诉我,我们的友情胜过爱情.. 我就知道是不可能的了.. 不要怪我无情,我想我们不要在见面了吧.. 因为真的不知道要怎么面对你,在这样继续,我会更伤心.. 再见了.. 我会努力的把你给忘了..

I m confuse.. I jus dunno wads e problem with mi..

anyway thanks for e donuts.. its so sweet of u.. thanks for e hugs n kisses too.. it will be a sweet memories for jus e two of us..

You're Shopping @

11:43 PM

Monday, May 12, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

after work I went for enrollment at BBDC for car.. n I have 2 acc.. which was 2B N 3C..

everyone was surprised tat I learning bike.. all sae tat I cant make it.. but first, I wanna finish up my 3C as soon as possible.. hopefully..

You're Shopping @

9:56 PM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Happy Mother's Day
hmm.. firstly, wanna wish all mothers a happy mother's day!

morning celebrate wif my granny n my father's side at a hong kong restaurant at ard Paya Lebar area.. den acc my aunt for shopping.. helping her to choose some clothes..

n my mum's side suddenly want to have a steamboat for dinner.. so ended up I didnt attend my family-dinner.. cos already promised to go for his family's dinner..

while i was msn-ing..

ming: today steamboat nv c u
mi: i cannot make it.. tot u all will start ard 7 plus
ming: 7 plus also nv c u lo.. rubbish
mi: den mum sae u all finishing soon
mi: ask mi no need to rush den i take my time lo
ming: if u say u will be coming we will wait abit ma
ming: every1 was there except u
mi: i tell mum to wait, den she sae nvm
ming: hey think abt tt if she really force u to come back then no point liao rite, if its me i also say nvm
ming: this kind of thing must c urself you xin or not
ming: where were u juz now?
ming: his house ar
ming: ah yi say u go celebrate mothers day wif another mum u noe how sad anot, next time u got children then u try la
mi: morning we already celebrate
ming: u still cannot understand ... the meaning is different when everybody sits dn and have dinner tok... i dun wanna to say le la go think abt it

hai.. my fault again~ **nth to say =(**

You're Shopping @

11:34 PM

Friday, May 9, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Shopping Time
well.. its shopping time! went to Vivo City n something caught in my eyes..

@@ nice? nice? its from Hypnosis.. actual price is $69.90.. but.. now having 70%~ I bought it for jus $20.. something crop up.. I tried e display one at Vivo City.. I asked e sales assistance if she gt any new piece anot.. she sae have.. which is at Bugis n insist tat we must get it by today..

so we went all e way there.. n e sales assistance told mi tis "I m sry.. I think we have some miscommunication.. our staff from Vivo told us e wrong code.. n we do nt have any more piece for tis" at tat moment, my feeling was like "huh? wad service is tis?!" den e boss came.. he tok something to mi.. hoping tat I wun get angry or wad.. during e last min, when I was going to give up, e staff suddenly pop out e dress n sae she found it.. hmm.. ok..

wad I was thinking is.. I dun mind getting it anot.. its jus 20 bucks.. e problem is we went all e way here.. n actually I was abit 不好意思 when paying e bill, bcos of mi, they gt scolded by e boss..

back to my shopping time.. o ya.. before we gt to e Bugis, I bought a pair of sunglasses for myself at Vivo City, e shop of Lafon..

he tried my sunglasses.. nice? I think it suit him more.. looks so cool! =)

lastly, back to e Bugis.. bought a top from M-Industries which is closing down soon..

The Front

n The Back..

You're Shopping @

11:44 PM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

♥ Shop till you drop ! ♥

Beautiful Day
while on e way to The Central.. happen to saw tis:

nice right? omg!!! I m crazy abt tis pinky sweety car.. inside is all hello kitty! see.. althought I think e stuff inside are all fake.. nv see before.. or maybe they import it?

saw it many many hello kitty's car before.. but i think tis is e best.. e colour.. e stuff.. everything is nice.. e others r like e car painted black or white with hello kitty's stickers onli.. I told him.. "next time u wanna get a car, better make ur car till like tis.. so cute.." n his reaction is like "OMG!" ha! too bad I dun have car lisence.. n I dun intend to get one too.. I wan.. bike lisence~ it was so cool.. ok.. we r getting out of e topic..

after tat, went esplande for a walk.. saw something beautiful n interesting..

wondering wad is tis? looks like many lollipops inside a tin can..but nope.. actually I also dunno..

here comes my fav colour.. tata~

pink.. pink n PINK! but i still prefer my baby pink..

n finally.. these r e colourful ones.. isnt tat sweet? u can find it at e tunnel where on e way to esplande.. they always have those beautiful arts..

overall, we have a happy day for today! yippee~

You're Shopping @

10:17 PM

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